
None of these fuckers are stupid, they know exactly what they´re doing and play up the incompetence angle when people start cluing in. Short of another actual revolution, like a million man march that doesn´t just stop and kumbaya my lord for a bit but actually kicks in the doors to congress and gets these bastards

The basic definition of fascism is a government favoring the needs of business over the needs of people. In those terms, how is the Republican party not a fascist organization?

I'm down in New Bedford MA. Hello neighbor :)

Insert gif of Steve Carell yelling NO.

Two things etc

I get your point but come on, The people building roads in my town are building roads for the benefit of the people in my town and they aren't reluctant to do it and they aren't being paid $150million to force their hand. They're spending (hopefully) a reasonable amount of money to build the road, paying the workers a

I remember around the time Moore was Bond, he showed up in one of the Cannonball Run movies and they still had to mention he was Bond. But yeah Connery aged out of looking like Bond which I think saved his career. Dalton experienced a drought after the fact and I've only just recently seen Brosnan in something since

I know it's a silly thing to get upset about but how can we live in a world where the only experience some humans get is being born, being hungry and in pain and then dying, and yet some of us want to give $150 million dollars to someone who blatantly doesn't want to play a pretend spy just to earn yet a few more

Being James Bond is a career derailer. It must be a curse as much as a blessing. Every actor who has played Bond has suffered from typecasting with a couple of them managing to get work after they aged out of looking like what they looked like when they played Bond. I don't blame Craig for taking the money if there's

Thank you for putting spoiler tags and fuck you to the automated notification email from Disqus that ignores the spoiler tags and shows me the full text. I was so hoping to see someone take a shit in this movie and now it's ruined the whole impact of wartime dookie dropping. Angry reacts only please.

The opening of Saving Private Ryan had me in tears as a 22 year old punk kid who didn't care about nuthin maaaaan. I can only imagine what a blubbering mess Dunkirk will leave me in as a 40 year old :/

At the end of WW2 my grandfather had the job of driving a half track (front half truck, back half caterpillar tank wheels) going around French towns picking up the bits of people after German and Allied bombs had literally blown them to pieces. He never spoke much about what he saw but one thing that stayed with me

When Liam Neeson is busy, when Jason Statham doesn´t want to, when Brian Bosworth isn´t a thing anymore….Noomi Rapace in….a marked decrease in job offer quality.

Surely it would be more cost effective to give Cavill a fake mustache than to digitally remove a real one? Surely? Shirley?

What the fuck is Jim´ll Paint It over on Facebook gonna do now?

Now, where´s that gif of palpatine saying ´Gooooood, Goooooood´?

Oh good Christ can you imagine the eruption of nerd anger at a brown American Bond? 😂

I'll do it for half that and play all the Bond girls myself.


No excite for another Craig Bond movie. The only really good one was Casino Royale, the others were increasingly dull, didn't even finish Spectre, you can tell Craig is bored as fuck in the role. Let him vacate and give us someone with some enthusiasm.