
I have to keep reminding myself it´s a Cap´Murca flick, not an Avengers flick. In terms of Steve´s story with Bucky, it had a good resolution and tied it all up well, all the while introducing a pantheon of other characters AND giving peripheral characters like Iron Patriot a compelling piece of the pie. I literally

I thought Civil War was bloated but not in a bad way like BvS, I can´t think of any scenes that could be lost to make it a better movie to be honest. I can think of at least two or three scenes that didn´t need to be in BvS.

She grates on me almost as much as Ann Coulter. She's constantly saying tacky, gaudy dick jokes to get a gasp out of her audience of basic.

That picture makes him look like he´s got two different haircuts.

The first time an oscar was more of a participation trophy.

I'm pretty sure it's in his contract to not speak negatively of the production, the producers and WB in general. This version of the D.C. universe is a resounding dud, just like the Amazing Spider-Man movies. I wish they'd just stop and start over.

Not bad. Looks like something Alex Ross would paint.

I made it to the very first fight scene at the Rand office foyer and switched it off. Laughably bad. The actor has absolutely no martial arts skill at all and it shows. Not great considering he´s supposed the be one of the world´s best.

What a shit obit. The best compliment you can ever give an actor is to mention that they´ve had consistent employment their entire career. You don´t get given jobs if you aren´t up to the mustard. That obit paints him as a one hit wonder who wished he could get away from his one hit wonder.

Deceived 1991. He got to play super sweet husband and creepy psycho and he gets a rare death by elevator shaft.

*Stands up Spartacus-style* No, I just won a competition to be the porn actor John Hard for the next 6 months!

Whilst agree that there's nothing new under the sun, I still highly doubt Trump paid for these women to piss on a bed he wasn't in, mouth open and cheeto dick in hand.

Probably the most overrated book in a long long time.

Someone else far more astute than me wrote on here once 'Negan is what you get if you ask a dork what 'cool' is.'

Agreed. I stopped reading TWD around the same time. Kirk man should have killed this book ages ago. He should've finished Invincible back when Robot won as well.

Chris Hardwick is a like a walking talking Hot Topic. A cynical and callous cash in on whatever pop-culture is relevant that week.

Urine for a hell of a show.

Nobody in the history of the universe has paid for a sex worker's time & urine and had them piss on a bed that someone else slept in years previous. Trump took the full gamut of that twin piss torrent square in the face and I'll bet he lapped it up like a thirsty dog.

´If I could talk I´d tell you´ by The Lemonheads. Whistling. Warms me cockles every time.

Doesn't have to be clever to be funny sadsack.