
or rubber bees.

It´s almost as if Snyder left the project and everybody said ¨Ok what did Zack love last time? Plenty of Bat-Guns? Let´s give him waaaaay more, you know, for Zack, man, for Zack And make everything darker and more hopeless, he´ll love it!¨

Kingdom Come had Batman controlling massive bat drones called Bat-Knights from the Batcave but the reasoning was that his body was mush in an exoskeletal suit after the years of beatings from bane et al took it´s toll. They´re obviously not doing that here, they´re trying to shoehorn an Arnie flick into a batsuit.

I like to call people diaper wearer while wearing a diaper for that hypocritical edge.

Season 5 opens as civil war tears America(n Idol) apart. The Cowell Faction are in complete control. With tanks on the streets, Ryan must flee for his life in, Refugeecrest.

By their logic, The Simpsons been 'bringin it back' every week for the last 12 years.

Next season on American Idol: Ryan goes full Dr Evil and ABC employs Jackass' Wee-Man as his Mini-Me, everybody please welcome Weecrest!

American Idol gave us the unforgettable image of Ryan Seacrest awkwardly trying to high five a blind guy and I think we should be a little more thankful.

Or liver disease.

I'm 40 and I'm wondering if The Simpsons is gonna out live me?

So now there´s two reasons for me to not see it haha

Trying to get me to see a movie by using the words ¨from the producers of¨ is like trying to get me to eat at another restaurant by telling me they have the same landlord as that other restaurant we ate at that one time.

My wife kept telling me to watch Irreversible but as soon as I saw the blurb about the movie opening with a brutal rape scene I was out. Can´t handle seeing sexual violence or violence involving children. I thought we were at peak torture-porn with that other cinematic shitsmear I avoided ¨A Serbian Film¨ but I guess

How are we still not past canned laughter?

Her eyes always look like she hasn't slept in weeks, though I imagine the amount of hate returned to her day in, day out must weigh on her somewhat. It's an unflattering admission but for all the harm she's caused I kind of hope that's the case?

I felt the same way when I finally tried a Twinkie, they're fucking gross.

Johnny Depp always seemed like a try-too-hard fake to me. The kind of guy who surrounds himself with legit (HST/Bukowski/Richards) hoping some legit will rub off on him.

Slow news day.

Man I really hope this isn´t a result of the recent rumors of cost cutting and budget slashing on TWD.

It's pretty obvious AMC have been strip mining this show for everything it's got since the beginning, it's definitely more noticeable in the most recent seasons. The whole thing looks subpar future people soap opera, plus occasional zombie. The pilot and first season had scale. Helicopter views of the city with CGI