
You can find out all you need to know by googling three words dude. Three. Calendar. Man. Wiki.

It's more of a participation trophy.

There's no version of earth where that poster warrants the words 'chill inducing' unless god awful photoshopping gives you the willies.

Josh Trank?

Hey Uncle Ronnie I got my special shoes!!

¨…have settled into the new location to face off against threats internal and external, none of them zombies.¨ If this one sentence doesn´t show up this show´s redundancy, I don´t know what will.

Oh wow really? I have no memory of that at all. Iḿ gonna have to rewatch S1 at some point then, if even only for that amazing riot scene at the end of ep4

Weak bladder?

Season 2 was a career derailer for almost everybody involved. Season 3 will have to live up to Season 1 and overcome the stink of Season 2. Can't see it working to be honest.

The ending of the first season was such a fucking cop out. The whole season pointing to a massive elite conspiracy and it ends up being a fat gardener.

This is entirely plausible to me.

It literally seems like they´re in the boardroom trying to think of any idea that would solicit a massive YAY!!! from the in built audience then do the complete opposite. Absolutely clueless.

¨Listen, we keep making dogshit Spider-Man movies and we´re financially fucked. Give Marvel Spider-Man back for a yuuuuge chunka change and we´ĺl just continue to make dogshit Spider-Man movies but we´ll call it Venom instead¨.

A few years back on Christmas Eve my wife and I happened upon a lady on her own on a backwoods highway who had hit a deer. Her car was fucked, I mean totally fucked, looked like she´d hit a brick wall. She was visibly in shock and the poor deer kept trying to run away on clearly broken legs, the sounds and moans it

This is another case of something being made with no real purpose. The movie was fine enough. Now we have a show where they´re injecting plenty of backstory (from the source novel?) for the characters that I found really hard to give a shit about. The daughter being raped in the first episode for example. Literally

Surely Bat-Cow is the beefiest?

My wife worked in social media management for C/D list celebs for a while, running their Facebook/twitter pages and posting click bait to make them a few bucks a month and she also acted as a go-between for them when they wanted their social media accounts verified i.e. The little blue tick. She worked with a few of

Are you trying to get me aroused?

Piers Morgan is a Flemish phrase that roughly translates as 'fucking douchenozzle'.

- Kanye West's reply to any criticism of his dogshit lyrics haha