
Zissou Adidas have been out there for ages, plenty of very decent knock offs on eBay. Regular Adidas with zissou stenciled on the side and some yellow laces thrown in, my wife found me a pair for $130 and they were awesome. Every so often someone would notice them and geek the fuck out :)

Is there some Delaware style tax loophole heś gloryholing his orange cheeto dick into? Paying a buck and some taxes to list a bunch of his making-the-world-a-shittier-place business machinations in a pile of Floridian swamp saves him a bunch more in tax come April kinda deal?

Surprised they didn´t talk about Pumpkinhead, that movie ruled.

He'll go the tv route. Netflix or Amazon will fund his projects without hesitation.

I read this as some kind of jumping the shark riff.

Looks like I got my pun in, in the Nick of Time.

Would that it were so simple.

They could literally make up an entire article of this bollocks and I´d be none the wiser.

Iron Man 3 had the same movie trope as Age of Ultron, hero/heroes gets ass kicked and holes up somewhere for the middle third of the movie while the bad guys do whatever. Itś the same movie trope from the 80´s turtles movie as well as countless others.

That was a whole bunch of not much at all. Very well acted nothing. I'd agree with the AV reviews of a few episodes having an A/B rating for acting and clever camera work etc but as a season as whole, as a story from A to Z….this was a C- at best.

A remake of Being There with Keanu Reeves in the vacant Sellers role.

This season's hottest new 10 part Netflix miniseries, Hannibal Buress makes his dramatic debut as Bill Cosby in "Pudding Him Away, For Good: The Cosby Trial".

The visuals are amazing, agreed. I spent plenty of my late teens/early 20's at club nights in London like Slimelight, industrial/goth/darkwave stuff. The theme music sounds like really bad late 80's/early 90's industrial I used to throw glow sticks around to and chew my own mouth off gurning wildly on cheap ecstasy

I think Thewlis' Varga has been one of the consistently awesome parts of this season. His Pork, whaaa was a great delivery! This season has definitely taken Fargo to a slightly less believable heightened reality style, even more so than the last one with the UFO's. Once I acknowledged the slightly nuttier direction of

"that Spielberg choosing to tell a story about a kid robot (for example) is inherently sexist because the main character is a kid robot and not a woman"
Yeah, no one said that."

I gotta be honest I'm really not sure what point you're trying to convey. You're saying we as the audience should be able to talk shit about somebody's art because it doesn't contain a certain subject or race or sex even though the story, song, painting, whatever was never about that subject in the first place, that

I feel like Pacino in Godfather 3 right now. Just when I thought I was out, you pull me back in. Who are you to say Spielberg is excluding anybody? There's the problem with your logic. You say, he doesn't include female leads therefore he's being sexist. I'm saying, he's making the work he wants to make rather than

I think you're missing the point entirely to be honest. She's criticizing his art for what it isn't. You can't do that. That's ridiculous. If I write a song that's personal to me or my outlook, you or anybody else have absolutely no right to criticize it because it just because I didn't make it about somebody else or

Right but she's leveling her criticism at Spielberg and his work, not at a system that actively gives males a chance more than females. So my point remains, why should Spielberg himself have to make movies with female leads at all if he doesn't want to? I'm sure he's not overtly sexist, he just chooses the projects he