
Now you're just being silly and taking things way literally. Of course no one has a gun to his head or is demanding boycotts on his movies until he makes Vagina: One Woman's Struggle Against the Patriarchy of Hollypenis starring every female actress in California playing all the male parts too. I think its completely

Elizabeth Banks for one, that's what the whole article is about haha

While I agree it would be nice for Spielberg to something do to help women break through the glass ceiling metaphor, should he be forced to make an equal share of his art about women or stories from a female perspective? Behind the scenes I would hope he tries to help out as many female filmmakers as possible to get

Why are you shouting? I CAN SHOUT TOO SEE!!

Do male directors really have a responsibility to make movies about female characters? I mean, do male song writers have a responsibility to write songs about women or female issues? Do male artist´s have a responsibility to paint females into their paintings? Surely the problem is a lack of female directors being

Oh for Godzilla 😔

I remember that scene, it was a story being told to Costner's character by Kevin Bacon's character and Bacon's character was selling up the seedy nature of the party for sure. I don't think it was a conscious decision to negatively portray gay people or how they choose to get it on but more so showing how Kevin

I wouldn't say it depicts ALL gay people as weird and creepy but it definitely portrays Clay Shaw and David Ferrie as weird and creepy. I couldn't possibly say if they were that weird and creepy in their real lives, who knows, but seeing as how Oliver Stone sure didn't I would agree that it was unfair to show their

There was so much more piss and shit at the G show tho?

¨Let´s get Saxofuckedup!!!¨

How dare you say that. You hurt my feelings.


Holy shit you've cracked it. I've been trolled into commenting that I don't know why this band are getting so much press and I fell for it 😔

Fair enough. I'm into plenty of punk, indie, stoner, you name it and I've never heard of them but in fairness I'm 40, not 20.

Yeah but there's no trial involved with Power Bottom. (Their name is silly and I'm not skipping vowels). It's hearsay. I get that other sites probably have been posting constant articles on Cosby or other salaciousness but they probably have an audience for it. Again, it seems like no one actually likes this band.

I dunno, there hasn't been nearly as many articles about Bill Cosby (but in their defense, most people here are young enough to not give a fuck who Bill Cosby is suppose). Just seems an awful lot of effort for a band no one will give two shits about in a year. Except maybe the av club writers.

What I don't understand is that it seems like barely anyone on this site gives a fuck about this band and yet every single thing that happens with this band needs an article. So it must be one of three reasons:

The problem I have with WWE these days and the reason I barely watch anymore is that there's just too much of it. Almost a WWE show every day, shows about the wrestlers, shows about the behind the scenes stuff, PPV's every two weeks now. What's to get excited about? It's like them asking us to get excited about a

My god this show is utter brilliance but the intro music…yeesh. It's a shame because in every other aspect the music is perfect.

I don't know if I'd go as far as saying Stone has issues with gay people, more so he's just an older dude with outdated, insensitive views. Like your uncle who says he's not racist then makes jokes about race. Just kind of clueless about how to be respectful of something he doesn't understand