
Agreed. When I saw it as a teen it literally blew my mind the way Loose Change did after 9/11. But with the benefit of time JFK appears to be more of an homage to truthseeking than a tell all exposè on what actually happened. I was expecting Stone's movie W to be a scathing take down of a cunning little shit who

Yeah true it points the finger at Johnson actually but seeing as how the guy died in 73 and couldn't defend himself, I'd call him a participant and a patsy.

¨It´s on youtube!¨

All through this thread you post what you consider to be proof of a conspiracy, ´Porta-Toilets, mortgages being paid, dead kids at the superbowl´. But not once have you offered a single shred of actual proof. You´re just regurgitating things you´ve heard. Where is the proof? Post links to credible sites showing proof

With the benefit of age I´m starting to see just how toothless JFK was as a movie. It never really pointed the finger at anybody in particular, ie the Bush family, Lyndon Johnson and plenty of other titans of politics, industry and banking around the time, all with much to gain from JFK being dee ee dee dead. The

Probably should be, season 3 has been the weakest so far, like a bunch of half ideas in blender with a Minnesota accent poorly thrown on.

I made it about 30 mins into the first episode and gave up. It felt like I was watching minute after minute of the crappy minute long show they play during the commercials of the other crappy zombie show. I can only imagine the nonsense hyperbole Chris Hardwick had to conjur for an hour after this blah.

I saw the Feig Ghostbusters with my 7 year old and we both loved it. Aykroyd says Feig is at fault because he spent too much but if it wasn't for the unwarranted negative press surrounding the movie it might have made much more.

Oh snap you're right. Malvo gives him the key and tells him to come find him. Things make more sense now. He must have escaped and has only just been picked up again. Thanks for the reminder.

As fun as it was seeing Mr Wrench on the bus at the end, I'm having a hard time believing he'd be looking exactly the same with the same jacket four years after season 1. Last we saw him he was in a hospital bed in hospital gown, then I assume off to prison, probably sentenced for many many years, then we see him

'Seeeeee!!! She's clearly a monarch program loominarty plant' - Alex Jones with a lap full of sperm.

2014. Google 'Ariana Grande I hope my fans die'. Alex Jones is currently going spastic about it.

I'm surprised her 'I wish all my fans would fucking die' comments haven't resurfaced to bite her in the arse yet. Also, Ariana Grande sounds like something you'd order at Starbucks.

Settle down Danzig you mediocre ponce, you're nothing more than a barely funny meme these days.

That Beat Shazam show is gonna be entirely populated with actors, my friend and I went to audition for it in Boston and almost everybody there was an actor, with headshots and resumes and fake plastic smiles. There were a few of us there who obviously weren´t actors and we clued in very quickly that they were not

The last two episodes including this one have been the best so far but it's still nowhere near as good as the first two seasons. Worth the watch regardless tho :)

Wouldn't surprise me if Ray pulled the glass out of his neck simply because Emmit said not to.

They only used Captain Boomerang's real name of Dig Harness on this episode, I assumed it was because of the movie having dibs on the name CB.

Heś probably going to die in the movie.

Creed, Godsmack, Staind, that whole slew of alt-rock smothered in Vedder-Cheddar, all fucking awful.