
The Columbo in me is fireing on full crumpled. Poor dude had a huge history with Oxycontin, falls back in on the road, can't bear going back to his family with a problem, offs himself. Soundgarden changed my world. This blows.

Come out and face me like a woman!!

Hs nyn md jks whr th vwls r rmvd yt cs m prtty sr m th frst, rght?

What did you think of it, it's kinda hokey and hasn't aged all that well but I still chuckle at how inept Kurt Russell's character is in it haha

The pic of Conway up there reminded me of the monster on Jack's truck at the end of Big Trouble in Little China 😂

No mention of Southern Comfort or Frailty? Boothe was great in both of those movies.

Same here, tried the first few but was completely unimpressed.

Period drama budgets are always higher as well, everything costs more, that didn't help Agent Carter.

Season 1 was too beholden to the narrative of the movies, as soon as they let it become its own thing it got better. Not great until later, but better.

If they're cutting budgets next season, give us a shorter season with more spent per episode over 23 episodes of slashed budget. The reason this show is (imo) consistently better than the CW shows is because of the enlarged budget, it just always looks far better. Having said that, this season has been pretty amazing…

The Sy and Officer Lopez squirming over questioning scene was way to close to the original William H Macy scene in the original Fargo for me. Solid episode but that felt like a retread.

He's bulimic, binging and purging. Why they gave him that trait who can say, characters get given quirks for reasons and randomly in this thing. You could say it's a Roman Emperor opulence and indulgence thing, he has so much wealth the only joy he gets is from binge eating, or it could be just a randomly given…

The Russian thug's story about Putin was amazing.

I'm not sure how to read your comment, if you're saying Pat Stewart should be Prez over The Rock, then yeah I agree, not only is one of my all time top acting heroes, he's also staunchly left wing and an vocal advocate for trade unions and workers rights. I read that Pat Stewart was applying for citizenship…

Ehhh it was ok. The bad guy implausibly one step ahead of our heroes and deliberately getting caught to further a plan trope is so old, they were complaining about how old it is when Loki did it in the first Avengers movie 5 years ago and Seven did it 22 years ago and I doubt it was the first. Curtis was useful and…

There is no spoon.

Perlman is 67. By the time they film this he'll probably be 68/69. He probably won't get insurance to go through four hours on, two hours off of prosthetics and the heat of the studio lights etc. The strain of wearing that stuff under that heat could kill the dude. I liked him as Hellboy but if you ever want another,…

The Rock for president, Sir Pat Stew for VP.

Outstanding episode. Chuck practicing showing his love for Jimmy ("Too cold"), Howard's worried look of understanding face before throwing on his professional face and trying to convince Chuck not to succumb to his own hubris, Chuck's face when he sees Rebecca walk in. The characters on this show tell you everything…

Remember when Seacrest tried to high five a blind guy? Oh the lolz.