
The first two seasons of AOS were mostly meh with some ok end of season/movie universe synergy, season 3 was pretty awful, the Hive ridiculousness lost me completely. This season however has been a huge leap forward in quality, I think this show benefits from not leaning on its association with the movies so hard

This show is 33.3% recurring a Mike Ehrmentraut show. For fuck sake give me at least a season of 'Mike Ehrmentraut goes about his business' before Banks gets too old. The guy was born to play this guy.

Didn't think much of the recent songs I've heard.

I happened upon AMC's Gus Fring marathon they did the other night, the episode where Walt and Science, Bitch! are being held in the lab, pleading to be let back to work, Gus Fring silently and slowly changing his clothes and back again after he did what he wanted to do…I was glued to my seat all over again. Watched

Surely the essence of rock n roll is to run as far from this stupid self congratulatory shit as possible.

His acting style has become more and more 'just kind of vacant' over the years but he's still the man.

I went on a date with a girl to see Heat and she was bored senseless and asked if we could leave literally 20 mins into the film. Bear in mind Michael Mann is one of my all time top directors, De Niro and Pacino at the peak of their powers AND Henry Rollins who is basically my spirit animal. Sufficed to say, my level

The last genuinely good De Niro movie?

Bit'a raspberry jam eh?

A rare movie where Sean Bean gets to walk away.

'What color is the boathouse at Hereford?'

Last night's wasn't too bad, I'm still doubtful this show will be able to finish it's season without cancellation. But yeah, the 3 you missed are…Just OK.

The guy who plays Ward has no earlobes.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. And that's all

He added the E as subterfuge.

It's not lost on me at all, it was just a really crap analogy. Blade Runner got poor reviews on release in part because of the dull as dish water voiceover work of Ford. The movie was then rereleased again without it and hailed as a classic. You can't compare the way Blade Runner was received 30 years ago and how a TV

Firstly, go fuck yourself and your shitty attitude. Second, Blade Runner is hardly on the same level an an episodic soap opera with zombies in it. You made yourself like like a fucking idiot and you should probably never internet again. Asshat.

This show started out as a bargain basement Dr Who and slowly over the course of this season, has become something else entirely. It's still no Shakespeare in the Park, the acting can be a little dodgy, the plot logic is sometimes a bit flawed but from where it started out, to where it is now, in terms of quality it's

If I eat healthy and exercise, do some Sudoku to keep the brain cells active, if I'm lucky, I'll live long enough to see that fascist twatpiece die. I hope it's a really invasive kind of cancer, that takes his voice first because that's his main weapon of cuntism, maybe a leg randomly for the shits, the giggles,

I've never heard anyone complain about someone being too logical before haha. It's not that they're playing Rick as this flawed character at all, it's that they write their characters with so much inconsistency that they seemed flawed. They have people make the dumbest decisions to suit the plot. One minute he's an