

Not in a dee eee dee dead kind of way though.

Yeah what the fuck was that thing? Looked like something from Total Recall.

When do you think this show really shit the bed? It was the Glenn under the dumpster fake out, right? Hiding under the dumpster is the new jumping the shark?

Haha yeah that's true I suppose but you'd think with the nature of the show they'd be trying to outdo each other with grisly gross deaths. I mean, Everybody Hates Chris got proper eaten in a revolving door in front of Glenn. A truly horrifying scene. Sasha got to sit in the dark listening cool jams while reminiscing

We can see heads being bashed in and eyeballs hanging out of their sockets but we can't have a realistic poisoning? Some of the lengths fans of this show go to to make excuses for its shitness are kinda silly.

I always see Christian Bale's Patrick Bateman's when I see Adrian Chase on Arrow.

Ehh fair play. I still think it was nonsense. Not here to shit on anyone for what they like, not trying be confrontational with my comments either. Peace.

It's obvious by your other comments you enjoyed this episode, that's great. But there's so much about this show that's beyond defense. If you think this was good TV, I'm glad you liked it but I think you have low standards in what you watch.

I dunno. He's usually pretty on point from my perspective. He gives credit where it's due, when it's due, but it's hardly ever due because the show is just awful.

I've never poisoned myself to death (successfully) but from what I'm aware you don't just fall asleep like a princess, it's hours upon hours of vomiting as your body tries to reject it, writhing in pain until you fall unconscious and even then it could take a while. If that poison was something that could kill her

The review is negative because the show is dogshit.

Really?? I've read all the comics and have literally memory of that hahaha

If the hate is justified because the show is crapola tho….

What happens to satellites in the zombie apocalypse? They just eventually fall to earth? Are satellites steered/controlled or do they just float around up there by themselves? Don't they all eventually fall to earth anyway? Aren't there nuclear missiles up there?

See if they explored that sentiment, that Rick is just 'their Negan, that could be watchable. But they won't, they'll stick to 'Rick can do no wrong and really can't die'.

If the show were good it would get good reviews. I've seen this writer give credit where it's due. You can't pick gnat shit out of pepper. If it's crap it's gonna be called out as crap. 99% of this season, and the last one has been completely crap. I'd give the writer credit for finding things to compliment to be

Swing away Merrill…I mean Negan.

I think saying this show needs to have less episodes is a bit incorrect. Plenty of shows make 16 episodes work, Arrow and even Legends of Tomorrow have done a better job making 23 episodes more interesting. This show doesn't because it's poorly made rubbish. The source material isn't heavy on stuff you can turn into

All hell breaks loose -> monosyllabic garbage lady doesn't shoot Rick.