
The problem is if you took the comic and measured it up against this entire season, we've moved forward about 4 pages. Aside from Sasha's suicide and the garbage people, not much else has happened since the first round of headbashings at the beginning of the season. In fact I'd argue nothing of worth has happened the

If you took out all the Sasha in the dark/Abra-ultra-HAM scenes in this episode it would still be an overlong mess. How does one keep a Tiger alive in the zombie apocalypse? It can't eat zombies. This thing needs to eat pounds and pounds of meat every other day, where's that coming from? If that Tiger gets hungry,

I would respectfully disagree. White people aren't the only people encouraged to buy comic books, they're advertised at everyone for everyone with a more diverse cast of characters, with more sexualities, ethnicities and backgrounds than there ever has been before and they still aren't selling. So it's probably a mix

Im not saying only white males are into superheroes, I'm sure a huge mix of people go see the movies, but the people buying the actual physical books every Wednesday? Mostly white males. Not to presume your gender but if you're a female, white or otherwise, as a superheroes fan, do you buy comics every Wednesday? I

It's not a popular opinion around here but I really didn't mind his X Men movie. It wasn't as good as the first two by Singer of course but it was pretty watchable. I think he did the Manhunter remake Red Dragon which was pretty terrible.

AV Club: A hive mind of snarky contrarian elitism.

It's like complaining the BET network doesn't feature enough white people. It's not really for white people. I'm not saying comic books are or should be written primarily from a white male perspective about white male characters but the facts of the matter are the readership is mostly white males. I want interesting

This is a classic example of how people getting butthurt by proxy fucks things up for everyone else. Thousands of people online say they want diversity in comic books and that minorities aren't being represented. So they get what they want and plenty of representative characters and books are introduced. Problem is,

I think I read somewhere that it was closer in format to The Office? People addressing the cameras, documentary style. I guess someone at NBC decided they wanted a Better Off Ted clone over an Office clone. I think they made the wrong choice if that's the case.

There's a list of people in my head, when they die I'm gonna do a little happy dance. Just knowing the world is probably better off without them ya know? I recently had a 'good, you died, hope it hurt' boogie over Rockefeller, Netenyahu is on there, any and all Rothschild's, the Queen and her coven of inbred scum, and

I'd rather watch a show like this than the myriad of dull sitcoms out there but then I'm into superheroes so this will always be watchable for me. For the average viewer though I guess not.

Yeah I'd like to see the original concept too, apparently it was infinitely better. Maybe one day it'll leak online.


No one else is coming back here so I guess this falls on me. Well this show was a fun experiment. Could you set a sitcom successfully inside a comic book universe and make it interesting for a non comic book fan? The answer, mostly, is no. After a week gap between episodes, the 5th and poorest, and most likely last

Gail Simone can do no wrong IMO.

I'm really glad to read this because I want to get my wife to watch this show, I hoped it would be a different/better experience second time around :)

Financially or morally?

I think people see what they want to see ;)

The opening to this episode was truly masterful and for the most part I really enjoyed it but there were a few parts that seemed really clunky, Cary and Kerry having their fight in the presence of their prisoner seemed purely for exposition sake to remind us they aren't talking. The body switching bad guy thing

Prometheus is probably my favorite big bad this show has produced (edit: not Prometheus in the hood shooting arrows mind, I mean snarling smiling Adrian Chase). On the subject of Olicity though, personally I think it was the biggest mistep this show has ever made. They took an amazing on screen chemistry that was