
Yeah I would say Arrow S4 was way worse than Flash S3. If Legends and Arrow weren't so good this season I don't think we'd notice Flash being so bad.

The Flash

This episode had me literally on the edge of my couch the whole way through. Another really really solid episode. Chase whistling like a creepy creeper at the end was just an outstanding touch. Not much else to say other than WOW. Not one person let the episode down in terms of acting, the writing was such that

Cross my heart and hope to…..

This guy isn't a particularly versatile actor though, he does creepy slightly unhinged really well but that's all he does. He's like Leland Orser and his penchant for hyperventilating. Good when you need that specific trait to bring to a role, but no one is gonna scream your name over the rooftops because of it. In

'I don't know how to save all these injured soldiers.'
'Just run faster Barry, I mean Pitsenbarger.'

Doesn't HR wear some face altering tech that allows him to not look like Wells to anyone outside the Flash HQ? So what's to say HR isn't wearing that tech to fool the Flash team into thinking he looks like Wells.

I thought this was an OK episode right up to the hilariously stupid Caitlyn/Killer Frost scene at the end. Danielle Panabaker has to be the worst actress in any of these shows (with the exception of Hawk-Barista). Her wooden performances drag down every scene she's in and her flopping around on the bed in the scene

Having her mope over Mon-El if he ends up leaving would be the biggest let down for a female fan of this show I think. With all their gusto about 'girl power' (hate the phrase but for want of a better one etc), to have her be a foppish mess over a man would be a betrayal of everything that makes Supergirl cool. Sadly

From a male perspective, we had the same issues with season 3 of Arrow and the whole Olicity mess. They shipped two characters who had an amazing playful fun friendship and killed it so they could have some schmaltzy drama. Two and a bit seasons of character building thrown away to appease a certain part of the

I never said 'blacks were the real racists'. I said YOU are being racist in suggesting that his boring superfluous to the plot character is being relegated because he's a black actor. So you can fuck off with that bullshit you ignorant 'everyone white hates me' arsehole. To suggest every single thing you don't like

I'm not sure what making it racial has to do with anything. Brooks' character seems to be in the same place Thea Queen is over on Arrow. Superfluous to the story and relegated to B/C/D plots. The character was white and they cast a black actor. Just because something you don't like happens to a black actor doesn't

My comments here are based on the few episodes I've seen and the comments made in the review above. I very rarely watch this show. Mostly because I feel it isn't aimed at a 40 year old dude, it's for younger people, females predominantly, and that's more than OK, there are more than enough shows for a 40 year old

I've seen most of the show Vikings. I'm not saying a thin woman can't have skill in martial arts, I trained in Karate from the age of 7 until around my late 20's, I've seen small frame women do incredible things. I'm saying Katie Cassidy looks fucking ridiculous doing it.

I think you're giving the actress and showrunners way too much credit to deliberately make her fight scenes look crap for the sake of character development. I'm pretty sure she is just not very good at it. She's a great actress in my opinion, but not everyone has the physical chops to sell a fight. Katie Cassidy isn't

As long as she doesn't throw any of her laughably weak punches or kicks, I'm down with her coming back. She's not an awful actress but her in a fight scene was really silly looking.

The Aunt May movie would've been the real horror.

I don't think it's down to paycheck so much as he's already signed on until the end and has to do the best with what he's given on the page and how he's directed to play it. When you've got the SFX guy directing you, you must just nod and smile and then do your own thing because fuck the SFX guy giving me acting

I think it's down to really poor direction, I don't know many of the individual episodes directors by name but I know they had the SFX guy directing episodes which can't help at all. These important parts they keep glossing over are there on the page, but they're really poorly put on screen and instead we get scenes

Gregory had the lamps on in his office during the day time, which I'm hoping was a subtle nod to the character's belief that he can waste these amenities because ultimately he provides them but knowing this show they just forgot to turn it off from a night time scene they filmed there before lunch.