
I don't watch Taking Dead but I can only imagine the verbal gymnastics involved trying to find good things to talk about with this show. I mean, the people involved have to be seeing the ratings drops, the bad reviews, how this show warrants a an after-show at this point is beyond me.

So cheap looking, dear oh dear :(

What was the point of Korl's one second scene with bland girl where she asks if he feels bad about killing and he Korl's back a Korl-like Nah. What purpose did that serve in any way? Just to give the actors a line in the episode? That was shoddy shoddy TV right there. Holy shit.

I saw that! I think this scene was supposed to convey once again, how much better a leader she would be by having her alone, badass like, just gardening outside the walls, but it looked ridiculous because we seen these hamfisted scenes a bunch of times and as you said, what the fuck was she doing with that bush???

Ughhhhhhh why am I still watching this garbage. Every week I hope for something, something that makes the hour after after of soap opera worth it but there's just nothing now. This episode was fucking stupid to the nth degree, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to care about such morally shitty people. JDM seems to be

Jamie Foxx wasn't there, it was casting agents and the various bods in that world. I'd heard that they used out of work actors on gameshows before but I was wowed at A: how many of them there were from the Boston area alone (the signage said they were casting all over the country in various locations) and how it was

Went into Boston to enter a gameshow called Beat Shazam hosted by Jamie Foxx, apparently the idea is to beat the app Shazam in naming songs, artists, albums etc. When I walked through the door and saw a sign saying 'Please have your headshot and resume ready' I knew we were in the wrong place entirely. The entire line

The road sign one looks like an Alex Ross piece.

Nice to see a piece on a DC movie that is minimal on snark. Trailer isn't bad, too dark as usual, grimy as usual, Cyborg looks pretty poor, hopefully they'll think of some interesting ways to utilize his body. DC doesn't seem to be able to use their characters powers in particularly interesting ways on screen (case in

It really is a shame. When I first started hearing about Infowars it was Jones (mostly sane) in front of a curtain with a camcorder speaking of actual crimes and bizarre activities of the Uber rich. Then the money starts rolling in and the sets start looking like fucking CNN with the neon and the on-screen tickers and

Ugh fucking Infowars. Go to Facebook and search for Paul Joseph Watson. He works for Alex Jones as his Editor in Chief, I assume for the online stuff. His personal profile is there for viewing. Every single post is anti-Muslim hate nonsense. He parades it under a guise of 'I'm anti all religion' but never directs any

Zack Snyder knows like, 3 clever filmmaking tricks he over uses every single time (slo-mo, choice music over cool footage, grim and dark pallette) but he isn't a director. He has no interest in the nuance of these characters, of the motivations of why they're doing what they're doing, he's like the depressing Yang to

Matchstick Men with Sam Rockwell was great, the one where he plays a weatherman was decent as well (I forget the name). I'd agree with you that Cage's personal life and debts put him in direct-to-DVD town more than Hollywood turning their backs on his acting talent or style. If anything he's a better actor now later

The line was also used in Wreck-It Ralph, just because Zangief bad guy, does not mean Zangief bad guy.

Powerless bumped from the schedule two weeks in a row. This show won't make it to the season end I'm guessing.

'This season on Peaky Blinders…All of the Brody's!!!'

I binged this show from the start and really had a job getting through season 3. It was OK enough but like Boardwalk Empire and most rags to riches crime tales, once they achieve the successes and get the monies, it's just a matter of waiting for it all to fall apart because that's what these shows do. I watched a

…And you know if Twatner had a movie that was cert fresh pushing 90% on RT he'd be singing it's praises as the measuring stick by which all movies must be judged. He's just salty because his movies are shit and people aren't shy about saying so.

'My opinion of a movie differed from the aggregate score tallied from hundreds of differing opinions therefore it's wrong'. -Brett Idiot.

I don't think you're gonna get your wish. It seems that AV Club have decided to shit on DC and their output in just about every mention of them on here and I doubt that will change. I'm not a DC movies fan in particular, I think they've all been painfully average thus far but I also don't think showing their poster