
So it's 'What if we replaced the Alien from Alien with The Blob from The Blob'?

I literally cannot remember the last time I've enjoyed a show as much as this one. Just a work of genius. Every episode has been better than the last. I'm gonna depressed when it's not in my weekly watch anymore.

Woah that was without a doubt the best episode of this season so far and probably the best episode since the end of season 2. I wish this show could keep this intensity up all the time but alas we know it won't. Also kind of dumb to end the episode on 'I'm quitting forever', only to immediately show a preview of next

Pound for pound this show has probably made me laugh more than any other show ever.

JRAWR Tolkien

What's the general consensus? You think Barris really was CIA? I'm inclined to think that he was and that many more celebs and actors who travel to foreign countries are, maybe not full on card carrying employed CIA agents but at least giving briefings and info on their return from overseas. Heck they made Elvis an

Best episode this show has ever put out. The war scenes looked a little silly only having about 12 people on the field but everything else was so well done (within the limitations of genre and budget) it's totally forgivable. This show really knows how to film a large group talking better than the other shows, none of

I'll give the actors involved an A- for their musical theater skills, most of them had really good voices but as an episode as part of a whole it didn't do anything to further the plot, again. This was a good fun side episode but we've just had a two parter that barely moved anything forward as well. For stalling the

I don't think that its an all untrue statement. Apart from these Mission Impossible movies and Edge of Tomorrow, he hasn't made a particularly impactful movie in at least ten years, right? Oblivion was forgettable. The Jack Reacher movies were average meh. Knight and Day no one saw. His last really meaty acting role

I've seen some curvature on Mia Kalifa?

Remember that old 70's Clint Eastwood movie The Gauntlet. Replace Batman with Eastwood, Sondra Locke with the Joker and have at it.

I don't mind cheap looking telly if it wears it on its sleeve. I haven't seen Z-Nation but I'll bet there's a bunch more zombies and all the good stuff that comes with it, even if it does look stupid. Most of The Walking Dead is two people talking or no people talking and then sometimes a zombie.

My father in law gave my wife a perfectly OK car a few years ago and we left it on our driveway uncovered over winter. Come spring when we tried to get it going we couldn't even move it because one of the rear wheels just wouldn't turn, engine wouldn't start at all, electrics were dead. We ended up selling it for

I couldn't work out if the knife throwing scene was them training for a ruckus or them playing games to let off steam but yeah, Enid throwing a Chinese butterfly sword with any kind of accuracy was hilariously stupid.

If you haven't read the comics, Negan gets captured by Rick's guys and they don't kill him to make a point that they are better than the saviours and they keep him locked up in the basement for plenty a while, so we're gonna get plenty more of Negan next season. more's the pity.

Agreed. This isn't a zombie show anymore, it's a post-apocalyptic community drama mired with all of the hallmarks of soap opera shortcomings. This show was never Shakespeare in the park but it had it's moments. Now it doesn't even have the good to forgive the bad.

Season 2 wasn't great at all imo. It was boring. That was the one where they got stuck at Herschel's farm for about 6 episodes right?

I suggested this a couple episodes ago, that the showrunners know they're running out of steam and have slashed budgets across the board to save as much money as they can for more profits in the long term, and I got told I was talking nonsense. But there's literally no other explanation for the cheap looking dross

I have a female friend who is so into this show that she met Norman Reedus at a convention last week, had him draw a heart on her arm which she then went and had tattooed. And there's me, watching this dreck and having to hold my tongue on all of my social media to be polite to my friend and her freshly Reedus'd arm

'I've watched a bunch of old 70's Kung Fu movies and rapped about them in music videos I didn't direct so I'm obviously the perfect choice to direct a Kung Fu show that's mostly talking.' - RZA (probably)