
First season isn't finished and it's already the most creative show I've ever seen. Just a work of genius.

Being right isn't a bullet proof vest Freddie.

I don't hate Rene and Curtis as much as I did but giving them so much screen time over Thea and Dig definitely blows.

The producer (Speed Weed) is one of the writers now so this is most likely the sad truth.

I love Thea but I'm not sure where they can fit her in anymore. They have the Quentin/Rene city Hall angle covered, a team of 5/6 vigilantes, tech/computer stuff covered by Felicity/Curtis…She's completely superfluous, sadly :(

Ever since halfway thru season 3 it seems like this show is literally throwing down the tracks right in front of the train the whole time, they seem to only be planning a few episodes ahead at a time so the plot is veering all over, the actors intentions and motivations are constantly changing or uncertain, certain

I know it sucks to rail on a show for not going where you want it to but imma do it, that reveal was just a ta-da for the sake of a ta-da. I would've preferred Chase be Vigilante and Prometheus be Kovar/Talia/Diggle/Just about anybody. This version of events makes it seem that we'll get none of the past/present

I´m admiring your commitment to umlauts in your pussy.

I assumed these actor types pulled the bearded, long hair look for two reasons, one because they love that ¨artist¨ look and two, having a beard and long hair at all times means you can get cut and styled into a character quickly when you start filming. But mostly because they think it makes them look deep and shit.

DD is worth the watch for D´Onofrio´s Kingpin alone.

In fairness, most of Netflix´s Daredevil is non-descript gangsters and ninjas too haha

I´m absolutely generalizing here and I apologize for it but I highly doubt any kid of his age from any earth in the multiverse is gonna have Casablanca be his favorite movie. I doubt there are that many kids of that age who even give a shit what Casablanca is.

Those old 70ś shows had a plague of non-descript gangsters and ninjas.

I like HR and his useless addition to the team. The only lols this show has been giving me in recent episodes is from HR being goofy. And Cisco because Cisco.

Yeah it would appear that way, right? There´s no other reason to stall the season narrative yet longer with a two-parter focused on giant apes other than to coincide with Kong. Booo :(

¨He also notes that the various Star Trek shows have all done well on Netflix, even the “terrible” ones, so he’s confident that Discovery will be successful whenever it hits the All Access app.¨

A man unlocks his true mental potential when he quits psychiatric drugs and counselling and joins a group who use weird technology and terminology to 'work' through his problems. Fuck me he's joined the moonies.

If you didn´t mean to kill someone, that´s manslaughter, should be a few years of prison involved regardless. Buuuuuut he is REALLY sorry so…..

I think a lot of times it´s to acommodate actors schedules, not many of them are used enough to be exclusive to this show, I´m sure many of them are in theater productions or trying out for pilots and other shows etc. It could come down to how they film too, they film all of the actors scenes at once and then edit

I´ve said this before but this was another episode that hammered it home for me, I really hope this show loses the time travel angle for the next season. Nothing about it works. They just don´t have the budget to pull any time period off convincingly unless it´s within the last 30 years and when they do the entire