
Both this episode of LoT and the episode of The Flash that preceded it had absolutely awful acting and dialogue. I was honestly expecting C/D grades for both but they both got a B? Mildly enjoyable episodes both but so much wrong.

Africa on parallel earth and Camelot in a fictional past both look exactly like Californian forests, whodathunk!

There seems to have been a show wide slashing of budget, everything from amounts of zombies per episode to production value and CGI quality. It's almost as if they figured there's only so many episodes left, if they can do as many cheapo episodes as they can they'll be able to keep more money in the long run. If I'm

Movie idea: Dude who runs in corporate construction circles uses hyperbolic demagoguery to dupe his way into the White House and convince the stupid and mean spirited that they need to spend their money on $billions and $billions of walls. Add a Russian Oil/spying subplot. For the lead I´m thinking we can go for a bag

I don´t though :(

Stranger Things has happened.

Superstore literally lasted all of about 7 mins of one episode for me.

In the interests of being factual, I don´t think my friends played with Anthrax on their last tour with John Bush, it was the WHCFYA tour. They were called The Seven Machine. I´m from London so I caught them twice that tour, once in London then up in Bradford. They were outstanding both times, Charlie killed. John

6 weeks ago she was just a Barista…I mean paraplegic.

2 Suicide, 2 Sugartits.


Just as ridiculous as Soundgarden winning Best Metal Song for Black Hole Sun.

Fair play. To be honest I can't listen to that style of metal at all these days, I'm more into punk, noise rock, doom, stoner. I'm sure it's a fine enough album but no matter how good it may be it'll just be the teacher from the Peanuts cartoon to me.

Friends of mine opened for Anthrax in Bradford UK on their last tour with John Bush a good few years ago and said the same thing, Anthrax were amazingly kind, generous and open to conversation. Conversely, I opened for Soil once and they were the very douchiest of douches.

There's some decent Polish death metal (Decapitated/Yattering), the French have Blackened Hardcore covered, the Brits have a pretty healthy Hardcore scene right now but yeah if you want Melodic Death like Arch Enemy, the Swedes do it best.

The 'Metallica aren't metal' digs are about the band and how they conduct themselves over what they sound like. Write all the hackneyed deritive thrash you like but you shop at Armani, swill champagne while complaining about the huge amount of money you just earned from selling artwork and get onstage with a

He also looks like the guy's who hosted the children's puppet show Sooty and Sweep in the UK in the 70's/80's.

I don't have much issue with Lars' output up to and including Justice but from the Black album on it felt like he was writing to be as basic as it can be. I get that playing two to three hours a night is taxing and the incentive to simplify to be able to continually pull it off night after night is there (Mastodon

Gimme fuuuuuue, gimme fahhhhh, gimme dabba dabba jaaaaa!

The House That Jack Built had a 3/4 riff over 4/4 beat thing that was mildly interesting and there was that awful Marianne Faithful tune but other than that, forgettable city.