

I remember reading an article that said even though he had been in the band, like, 8 years longer than Burton, the other 3 still called him Newkid and would pull shitty hazing pranks on him all the time. The fact that they almost completely removed his bass tracks from Justice for no apparent reason should've been…

"On Jan. 17, 2001, bassist Jason Newsted quit Metallica after serving in the legendary metal band for over a decade. … He revealed that the final straw came when James Hetfield quashed their management's involvement with Newsted's side project, Echobrain." - first article I got when I googled why did Newsted quit. I'm…

Oh man Don Cab's World Class Listening Problem is so amazing. Damon Che makes his drums look like fools.

Nothing about that documentary was flattering for the band or them as individuals. They came off as spoiled babies who flaunt wealth and have been a bubble so long they´re out of touch with the real world. I haven´t liked anything they´ve put out since …And Justice for All but that documentary just killed any and all…

¨It, om, ya know, om hasn’t directly changed our, omm, process. When you, ommm, write a song, you, omm ya know, write a song. Whatever you’re, omm going to do with a song, ya know ommm, after you written it, I don’t think those things, ommm, necessarily overlap.¨

Remember when all the nu-metal bands were playing piccolo snares for that tight pop and Lars tried to get on the bandwagon with his garbage can snare sound? Also, who the fuck replaces their ride with a china? Lazy ass numpty drummer.

Napster, the monstrosity with Lou Read, working with Gaga, essentially kicking out their perfectly awesome bassist Newsted because of side projects even though Hetfield played on Primus tunes and anything else he wanted to do, the hilariously pathetic Some Kind of Monster doc and their band therapist, Lars in…

For a band with the word metal in their name, they continue to be the least metal band around these days.

Crazy conspiracy Wednesday - Alanis´ stolen jewelry is an insurance scam to get the money to be able to afford good enough lawyers to sue to get back her stolen $4.8million. Plausible?

Kathleen Turner is singing for GNR now?

Definitely going to ignore you for the rest of my life, so there's one thing.

It was really awkwardly handled, right?! One minute she´s gonna be ok, the next she done dead.

I didn´t care much for the Cassidy/Black Canary either to be honest, she´s rail thin and looked ridiculous in fight scenes.

Wasn´t there some rumblings about them taking Dredd to Netflix at one point? Shame they couldn´t figure it out, Dredd was excellent.

I keep tellin´ ya, he´s 92 years old, an´ he´s dead!

***Insert generic nana nana nana Fat-Man joke***

¨Hi, I´m Ben and I used to ask ¨Can you bleed?¨ but I´m with Marvel now. Look, it´s 2017 and not all interconnected superhero movie universe franchises are great. Would you really pay 100% of the money for a movie with only 31% on Rotten Tomatoes? Exactly.¨

Killed off Black Canary, only to bring in a different actress to play the character not long after (much to the fan´s chagrin). They even had the cheek to call her Dinah. It was as hamfisted as the Martha connection.

I´d agree with that. Marvel have been running on a constant stream of 1st´s, DC/Warner have had to try to beat their own game before even being compared to Marvel and have been found wanting.