
I feel the same way about Ed Wood movies.

Every helicopter in the movie crashes hahaha. The FX guys were like the portrait guy from The Simpsons. ¨You like helicopter crashes right? Suuuuuure ya do, everybody likes helicopter crashes!¨


You´re right about the bad ideas, even down to the tiny details, as soon as I saw Batman crawling across a ceiling using his cape like literal bat wings I just knew they had no clue what they were doing. Suicide Squad had a team of super power and gimmick characters like Captain Boomerang who did literally nothing

Can you imagine how hilariously bad a Batman movie Affleck is contractually obliged to make but really doesnt want to make is gonna be?? Holy cinematic shitpiece Batman!

This still makes me chuckle:

Someone else had this thought before me but I agree with it, DC should´ve made movies of their very best graphic novels as standalone pieces. As you said, trying to have a rolling story across multiple movies is no easy feat, Marvel barely pulled it off, they´ve got some forgettable to average movies in their stock. I

I hope no one was….43% Burnt. Tadaboomptiss. I´ll be here all week, try the veal.

Judging by the quality of this show, yeah haha

SNL´s toothless barbs are utterly pointless. They very rarely point a finger at anything of substance, let alone anything criminal these clowns get up to. They need to stop positioning SNL as some kind of champion of the people, out there to bring justice the only way it can, by lampooning in dull skits that go on way

DC failed the second they decided they needed to do exactly what Marvel were already doing successfully. They were always fighting a losing battle. Marvel had established a recognizable, everybody friendly tone that most took as ¨that´s what comic book movie connected universes should look like¨. DC are damned if they

It's because the US waited so long to jump in, many in England saw it as a deliberate move to cripple England thereby leaving England in a vulnerable position after the war. This logic would explain why there are now over 50 American military installations in the UK and absolutely no British military installations in

I didn't know that, fair play.

I didn't even finish Skyward Sword. Got up to a sword fight boss thing and just couldn't get past it, gave up in frustration and played Wind waker again.

Racism? Surely you mean stereotyping?

I'm pretty sure I read that only GameCube games will be available thru eShop, Wii u ports will be repacked on cartridges.

When the nuclear rain falls, all that will be left is cockroaches, 360's and ps3's. They're everywhere. I just bought two used ps3's, plus 6 games, 3 controllers, 2 headsets AND one of the has CFW, all for $150. Ended up selling one console and the extras for $100. Result. Getcha butt on Craigslist, especially now

I think everybody is underestimating how fucked Nintendo have been by piracy, the Wii U is very very easily hacked, a few files on an SD card and a website link and you've done it, the 3DS has been completely broken by flashcarts you can find all over the internet with ease, and they're very easy to set up and use.

I can be, for the right price.

I think they've succumb to the shit parts that come with being on a major label, the pressure to write catchier, hookier stuff so it sells, the need to simplify and speed up the writing process to get contractual album obligations out on time, to simplify the writing so it's not as taxing on the body when doing 200