
I can't be doing with The Hunter or Once More Around The Yadda Yadda at all. I think they're awful awful albums. I love everything up to CtS, their last truly awesome album in my opinion. Leviathan JUST gets the top spot for me, Joseph Merrick is a little dull but Seabeast is Seabeast and that outro makes my winky

If prog is your jam you'll be wanting Crack the Skye onward. I much prefer their earlier sludgy metal albums. Leviathan is their masterpiece. Nothing they have done or will do is as good as that album. It's literally perfect.

I've had issues with drugs and alcohol throughout my life and the only place I ever felt like I was in a Scientology style cult was with AA. Everyone using the inside language and terms, everyone trying to be happier and more cured than the next person, the almost god like reverance of the founder. I'm not saying I

Legion of Meh doesn't have the same ring though.

As soon as I saw the Lazer pointers I was hoping for a shocking and brutal Sonny from Godfather style gunning down… THAT would be a mid season finale!!

Aside from his relationship drama with small-Paul, there isn't a single plot thread in the entire show he couldn't be removed from and nothing would happen. He's completely pointless at this point. Hopefully with the huzz packing his bags we'll see Curtis finally making gains on getting his hands on those other balls.

If LOT figured out a cheaper way of having them zoom around time without having to animate the wave rider into shots every two mins, they'd have plenty of money for more Firestorm shots, to be honest imo they could lose the time travel element altogether, save a ton of money on sets & costumes and throw it all at

I'm hoping they have a decent plausible reason to bring her back other than 'we scanned the AV Club review comments and the fans thought we screwed up by killing her off so here she is again!'

Roy is small frame dude tho, light and parkoury-boingboing. Prometheus is a seemingly bigger lump like Diggle or Kovar's size. Big chesticles.

I was expecting the usual underwhelming drop back to average quality we expect from these shows after a crossover but I was mistaken, this was a great hour of TV.

The voice most certainly is!

They called it 'The Philosopher's Stone'?? Really? Ugh.

I watch this show just to bitch about how shit it is. JDM is hilariously miscast.

I'm guessing the park is on a terraformed Mars or our Moon, or it's a space station. Definitely not on earth.

I thought this episode was outstanding. The amount ofitfle nods they threw in was carefully and excellently done, Malcolm's mention of Tommy off working in a Hospital haha

Every second there's a reaction shot on screen they aren't paying $thousands for sfx shots. Reaction shots are cheaaaaaaap. Saving that money where they can.

It was a hologram of the prez used as a trap, the aliens still have the real prez.

Cook the man some fackin eggs!!

I remember an interview with the actor who plays Diggle around the time the dumb Helmet was introduced and he sounded embarrassed at the time, kept saying there was gonna be some super dooper special powers to it or some shit. That never happened tho. Just a dumb hat.

Half the time you see this close up of OQ picking up his bow and yelling 'let's roll out'… in plain clothes. Meaning he then must have to put his bow back down, go get changed, throw on the eye make up, piss probably, then go back and grab the bow and yell 'let's roll out' all over again. It's as hilarious as the