
Jeffrey Dean Morgan isn't very intimidating at all. He looks to nice. I always read Negan as a hardcase Brit in the comics. Don't know why. Should've got someone like Jason Statham and gone full cockney bastard with it like Snatch.

Grumpy mumpsface.

I won't be watching this movie because of two reasons. One, I believe Benezir Bhutto, the assassinated Prime Minister of Pakistan was correct in saying that Bin Laden died in 2002 of Kidney failure and the US used him as a phantom to chase across the middle east as a pretext for war. Also, it's a Nicholas Cage movie,

Franz Drameh is such a poor poor actor. If there's a season 3 he's got to go. It's literally like they got a crew of actors and stood a kid from a school play in there for the shits, the giggles. They changed Firestorm once, they can do it again.

Doesn't the director tell the actors how to act and what motivates their characters? If it's 'beautifully shot' shouldn't that be down to the Director of Photography?

The wheels fell off this show as soon as they killed off Cottonmouth.

I could do without Diggle altogether this season to be honest, he's kind of redundant. OQ has a bodyguard to do the 'I disappeared again lol' gags with, the team is stocked with newer, more interesting characters. They should just have him disappear somewhere quiet with his family and write the character out.

Why can't DC have their characters use their weapons/powers in interesting ways like Marvel movies. When Cap'murca throws his shield it bounces around all over the place in meticulously planned out often funny set pieces. Cap'Boomerang's boomerangs did nothing, I think he threw one of them once maybe. They haven't

'There are places in the world as old as the world.' 😂😂😂