
I don' think "Menu" or "Web Browser" would mean anything to him either. They mean different things on the computer than they do in the real world.

looks like you just read something related to HP.

Cables? Haven't they heard of WIFI??!

the hat is a character in the books, not so much in the movies.

you and your facts. calm it down fact guy.

damn son.

You're doing it wrong.

umm.. why did you think it was safe? Have you not been following the sony, sega and other accounts that have been hacked in the past couple of weeks? Things like this will happen, sure it sucks.

what kind of stuff do people keep on these accounts? i keep useless crap such as music, my resume, pictures and other random stuff. If you want to get my resume, go for it.

I should go ahead and purchase .apple. I can sell it to Apple for millions.


maybe she called because she knew if there was not a police man around she would stab the person working at the restaurant, so she did the smart thing.

I hardly give my phone for someone to look at it. Ussually i hold it and let them look at it. I don't really have anything on my phone that i would be embarrassed about, but i think this solves most issues. I also don't have those kind of pictures on it.

The iPhone did not allow you to do it on the phone. iOS 5 does.

I love these kind of articles, it actually teaches me something. I like music, I don't love it. I listen in the car and when I run/walk the dog. To me it doesn't matter because it all sounds the same. It all comes down to if you care enough. I don't care.

Why would you call sex sexting when it's sex. Also, Firefox dictionary doesn't think sexting is a word.

Holy shit. The pentagon is huge. I think I got it, Jobs will start his own country once he gets this built.

my favorite part is that this mistake stays up for more than 1 hour.

as of this beta, it does not.

lol. this is perfectly acceptable. thank you kind sir for that laugh.