
Internet is awesome. That's how all you gizmodo people have jobs. People just need to learn to adapt. The world sucked just as much before as it did now... things in the past always seem better because you're not living in it.

i didn't think it was that annoying. it went away as soon as you scrolled down.

hahaha. yes. this.

"Virgin has admitted an incident did take place, but claims Ms Williamson's husband was playing a peek-a-boo game with Riley involving the overhead compartment when the flight attendant joined in."

i usually don't do these correcting things... but it's Jon, not John.

i think he meant justice beaver.

notified pro is better in my opinion.

this is America! We do things that don't make sense and if you don't like it, too damn bad! We even change the name of sports for fun.

my calculator never needs updating. suckers!

@Stetrain: millions of people own an ipad.

@Corbab: maybe Lion will be a touch based OS. It's in the early stages, there's still time for them to release a touchscreen computer.

@makegizgood: Maybe when Lion officially comes out, the iMac will be a touch screen coumputer. Who knows.

i'm going to try this with this SmartScroll X people are talking about. I think it will be weird at first, but I'm sure you could get used to it.

@cookcfc: i'll be like the others... you didn't read the article did you?

@JohnP: you didn't read the article did you?

@Y2KGTP: no way?! non apple products are cheaper?

I love how we compare an os that is around for people to use with others that have not yet been released to a wide audience.

Why hasn't there been a post since 8pm yesterday? This reminds me of the iPhone 4 thing. Do they have an iPad 2 they are going to share today?

oh, i thought there was more to this. sorry then!

please summarize the article so i don't have to leave this site.