
@jampe: where are you trying to sell it? i have found that selling an used apple product is one of the easiest thing ever.

who didn't think about this when they had a cup in the car? i have used a plastic cup, it works better in my opinion.

Nope, not better. These kind of inventions hurt my brain. Really? What's the point ?Your legs work enough for you to stand up. Get off that wheel and walk!

i just love all the rugrats comments.

@scrapplejoe: i myself am waiting for ipad 5. sucker!

to be fair, you also sold apples.

i want to marry the oatmeal.

awww..i wanted to see the explosion!

Matt, tell Jason that it's about that time he finds the iphone 5. thanks.



weird, i thought android already had a netflix app. This is one of my favorite apps on the iphone.

it's not the only thing i use, but it's what i use the most. I also enjoy reading at night without a light. I know the nook color allows that, but i think amazon has a much better selection of books.

Like many have said, if the kindle app is gone, I'm just going to get a kindle instead and sell my iPad. This is dumb.

how about someone release a tablet that is comparable in price, then start the trash talking.

@Jason Chen: i understand linking things, but don't you guys want us to stay on your site? i like reading about what you have to say about the article.

i do, but i also don't carry my wallet with me at all times. i just carry an ID and debit card with me. wallet stays at home.

can't you guys link articles like you used to? that seemed way better than having a dedicated article telling people to go to kotaku, or repost the article.

sweet. now when i commit a crime, i can use this to get away.

i lost my wallet. how long before they can get my credit card number and social security number? that's the real question.