
Now all I want is for Steve Smith to come out of retirement and kick everyone’s ass at dodgeball.

There’s nothing remotely fair or legitimate about the Director of the FBI intentionally manipulating public opinion of one candidate days before an election through targeted, misleading, selective public statements that heavily imply wrongdoing and criminality, while steadfastly insisting nothing about the much more

It was likely manipulated by Russia. And Comey’s rank, treasonous fuckery. And Trump lost by 3 million votes. It is morally completely illegitimate. Possibly legally as well.

Yo skay I heard you like ships shipping ships so I got you a ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships

Nobody deserves it, really. It’s a dumb institution.

I don’t think she has the power to choose her successor. Succession to the the throne dictated in common law and Act of Parliament.

Eli, sadly, was not invited

Actually they were applauding because they showed an anti-STEM commercial on the jumbotron.

Gonna be a real tough road to the playoffs. JPP has had a really good season, and has been the best player on the Giants’ D, hand down.


Fun fact: if Jeff Fisher goes 7-9 this year, he will be tied for all time most career coaching losses.

Cubs: How’s everything going tonight?
Indians: Fine.
Cubs: Your entrees are good?
Indians: Yes, fine, thanks.
Cubs: More water?
Indians: All set, I’d just like to-
Cubs: Refresh your wine?
Indians: No, thank you, but the food is getting col-
Cubs: Care for the dessert menu?
Indians: No, please, let me eat my dinn-
Cubs: More

One of the Costco stores near me (not all of them) carry Kerrygold butter. The price works out to 1 1/2 pounds of Kerrygold for the same price as the local groceries charge for one pound. I make a special trip just to stock up and freeze it.

Kerrygold’s garlic and herb butter is insanely good. I rarely use butter for anything, but do not hesitate to cook my steaks in this mana.

TBF, MLB doctors and medical science are only passing acquaintances. About the best those guys could have probably done was to jam some steroid tablets in the wound.

Because MLB teams now have astronomical deductibles under ACA?

The trick is to injure and cauterize at the same time.

This is the worst thing to happen to Atlanta involving a Sherman in a long time.

Hello Gawker my old friend.