
I recall Lexus did this with the LF-A as well.

Now I know where the “I” went - Thanks ;)

I think he’s got it.

The animal is fine. It’ll wake up tomorrow and it’ll be like this never happened.

That’ll teach that buck-toothed asshole not to predict an early Spring again.

Michelle Wolf, leaving the WHCD:

Yeah, Giuliani has been a crank for years and I guarantee his primary value as a lawyer at a firm is for his connections, and not his legal acumen.

Trump only hires the best people, though, don’t you know.

That’s an awfully slow response time by Milwaukee police.

Quick, Teri Hatcher, Amy Adams, or Erica Durance?

I catch myself all the time. I see something awesome and the want hits me like a ton of bricks.

No Dice everybody.

Initially we just thought that Icognito was your average schoolyard bully. But given what’s happened to Martin’s life since, it turns out Richie might be one of the greatest bullies of all time. It really makes you reconsider where you rank him.

the retirement of offensive lineman Richie Incognito

Here he is, ladies and gentlemen: That Guy.

Always a good reminder that the exit you need is the only exit in existence to get to the place you are going. It is the only way both in and out for the people past that point. So if you miss your exit, all is lost, you can never go back or around you must find a new destination, give up the people and or places you