
Completely anecdotal, but I know of three people in my social circle (myself included) who have just given up on the NFL altogether. Quit watching this year cold turkey. And we were all fantasy football, football pool, watch all day Sunday kinds of fans.

I’ve seen the full video of this.

I get my wizard hat and robe.

It’s not a jacket, it’s a robe, and I’m leaving the wizard hat on.

2025: Three term President Trump congratulates retiring New New York Met Tim Tebow on his fifth consecutive World Series MVP award by nominating him to the Supreme Court just in time to provide an insurance vote against a suit to close the migrant detention centers located in former National Parks that were returned

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

Imagine being so rich that you have no fear of leaving the house looking like that.

But they’ll be back

Well these Sandpeople are idiots. Aren’t they trained to run behind each other to hide their numbers?

“And I’ll tell you another thing,” Lynch said, “New Girl might be the best damn show on television.”

“Don’t worry,” one Spanish child said. “Sometimes you just have to suffer the slings and arroz.”

Nobody expects the Spanish friend tradition.

With as retarded of a list of wants as he has, this is the only suitable option.

Jet fuel wont melt dominos

Don’t be sad. Harambe would've wanted it this way. He loved low hanging fruit.

Harambe loved Skyline Chili

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.

Paul Bettany fucking sucks at diving, but he was good as the Robot Boy in Avengers 2: the Avengening.