
You gotta be hittin' up that sweet, sweet ESV from time to time, man. Modern prose that retains words like propitiation? It's like KJV is Coke, and ESV is Coke Vanilla. ^_^

I see the capes walk by, dressed in their darker clothes.

They see a comic and they want to paint it black.

Inigo Montoya: You are wonderful.

John Carpenter. Straight up horror (Halloween, In the Mouth of Madness, The Fog, Christine), straight up action (Assault on Precinct 13), science fiction horror (Prince of Darkness, The Thing), fantasy martial arts (Big Trouble In Little China), science fiction action (Escape From NY, They Live), science fiction

Ian Fleming is the first to come to my mind. The Bond stories perhaps don't QUITE qualify as sci-fi, but Chitty Chitty Bang Bang must do.

This weekend, Hollywood will release the movie adaptation of Lois Lowry's The Giver, a film many of us have been

Oh, there's no place like Middle-Earth. Whenever I need to disconnect myself from the world and its problems, I read Tolkien's books or see the Peter Jackson adaptations (LOTR and Hobbit). The characters and the stories always make me feel happy.

Fine. Here's your star.

Why would they ever close? They have successfully re-engineered their brand and products to suit every culture in the world, over what, 7 decades? Further, they already occupy *premium* locations pretty much everywhere.*

I loved the everlasting shit out of this movie, and it deserves more love than it's getting right now. And that diva scene was something I had never seen in a sci-fi action movie before. It was, in a word, sublime.


Now playing

Well, it's not Science Fiction (rather "High Adventure") but this is the first thing I thought of when I read the article title.

I am Doctor Icy Hands and I approve this message.