
The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight is easily the best side-character ever invented for a superhero show.

So, this isn’t a remake of The Ghost and the Darkness?

The show didn’t quite fail but it didn’t quite succeed either and “A Game of Thrones” had nothing to do with either except that MTV wanted in on the fantasy television action. I watched every episode and wrote a recap/review for another site. Here are my takes.

Oddly enough, you don’t quite know what I believe, but it’s okay. I’m used to that. ;)

No we aren’t.

Weather is not climate until it totally is climate.

Holiday presents? Let’s see.

Notice that no one ever makes the kind of movie the uproar demands. Maybe, though, what people want to see is another escapist movie about a mythical place where the heroes all have superpowers and they don’t particularly care about “realism”. “Gods of Egypt” isn’t a documentary. It’s a throwaway action flick that

I saw the twin tail and that’s what came first to mind. I didn’t spend any time doing research to nail the point down. Was a one-off comment. :)

“We made a spoof trailer for the new Star Wars movie at work.”

A blog post from someone who forgot the days before “fun-sized” candy bars, when regular candy bars were the only candy bars you could get.

Thank you.

Nah, I’m pretty solid.

I’m not hip and it’s not hate. He’s just not very good at the jobs he continues to get.

If he is, run. Run until you do not believe you can run another step, then continue to run. Run until you reach the end of the universe, then run through the barrier that greets you. Run until the breath in your lungs ceases and your heart quits beating but your body continues to propel you from the aborning

(known as Bhangmeters)

It’s simple. The Muppets were never primarily intended to be adult entertainment. They were always meant to educate and entertain kids.

So, we spent 45 minutes farting around instead of getting on with the story. When we finally got to the story, it wasn’t much of a story.

I only want to write a story worthy of an illustration this wonderful.