
Such invaders. Many doge. Earth saved.

Seems to me, flipping a character's gender is an "easy" way to be creative without having to create something from the ground up. We can imagine a male character as a female (or vice-versa), then play out where the story might go with much less an investment in creative energy than it might take to build an entirely

Godzilla loves his time in the weight room.

Sure, and that's my oversight. However, the film is in black and white, which struck me as funny given, you know, the title.

The "Color" Out of Space.

I have three.

Sure, but other forms of fiction do pretty much the same thing. I suppose my point is that science-fiction was merely the vehicle. Roddenberry would probably have used any sort of fantastical setting to do what he wanted. I could be wrong about that, though.


I think it's pretty well-known by now that Gene Roddenberry didn't envision "Star Trek" as a solid science-fiction show. He pitched it as "'Wagon Train' in Space" and used it as a means to wrestle with social and societal issues few, if any, television shows couldn't tackle at the time. You couldn't talk about racism

Hiya, io9, I'm the weird guy around here. I'm in my mid 40's, am a Christian, a political conservative, a sci-fi geek as long as I can remember, a voracious reader, a fledgeling writer, a veteran blogger and new media enthusiast who once presented at a SXSW panel, a singer and musician, a homebody, a sports fan

Good ol' Dragonball Z, where if a fight starts on Monday, you can be about 50 percent assured it'll be somewhere close to ending on Friday.

I enjoyed the series, but the third of the trilogy novel is...daunting. The publisher had to release it in two fat paperbacks and, honestly, you could have taken out half of it and had a fine story.

Ah. Just a note, it's not a very large subset of creationism. I've lived with, and around creationists my entire life. I graduated from a school where creationism was a *huge* part of a science class. Never once heard geocentrism as anything but a theory that wasn't close to true.

We need a "One Reboot Only" rule for television series and movies.

I've no plan to watch the documentary, but I don't see how its contention that the Earth is the center of the universe is creationist.

I...I must go.

"Should governments force media outlets to inform the public in such a way that people who consume media will have a more accurate view of the world, instead of a less accurate view of it?"

Now starring in "How I Met Your Mother", the Joker.

I'm sorry, gentlemen. It'll illegal to Flash in public in this city.
