
Some people might not have a few hundred in cash and a lawyer.

Was going to post the same link (the first one). You beat me to it.

LockMart...... oh thats fucking glorious. I am stealing that.

Cause there’s a restroom in the back?

But how do you get beans back below the frank?

They do have kiosks with “mail it home” bags. It costs way to much (about $15), but at least I was able to mail my leatherman back to my home, and it arrived about a week later.

Even if it is actually compliant, I guarantee some TSA agent with a power complex will still confiscate it for bullshit reasons that they dream up on the spot. Just put it in your checked bag for the duration of the flight, or go without for a few days if you aren’t bringing a checked bag.

Who is actually asking for self driving cars? Anyone but the elderly? Are companies producing this technology just to produce it?

Wasn’t Lucifer just possessing this guy? It’s been awhile since I saw that season.

Clinto never wiped out the debt, he wiped out the deficit. The deficit ist hat shortfall between income and expenses that piles up debt. The debt was still there, but now it was slowly going down. At least that was the situation before the next guy decided to try bribing people with their own money again.

Fuck man your good. You should comment on Jezebel sometimes. Take your talent somewhere else .

Gingrich was and is an awful human being, and was a horrible congressman and horrible speaker. He doesn’t get to take credit for things Bill Clinton accomplished, and he doesn’t get a pass for the horrible things he did, and you don’t get to revise history to fit your personal political views.

And shutting down the government because he was made to board Air Force One using the back door...and dumping his wife for his mistress while his wife was in the hospital with cancer...and a thousand other things, but we know that facts have a liberal bias so we’ll just ignore them and have fun at the Klan rally

Shouldn’t you be on reddit right now or something?

Hey, somebody watches Fox News!

Um, you might want to consider the whole package with ol’ Newt. Regardless of how awesome his space policy may have been, he was a dumpster fire as speaker of the House and set in motion a lot of the rightwing sleaze that still plagues us.

It's not. In both cases, it would be illegal.

This just in from the News of the Future Desk:

"...speed cams... incredibly effective at curtailing speeding and even aggressive driving."

They can put up speed cams AFTER they do a study that shows the road should be at the speed it is. Speed cams where they don't make sense are still low hanging fruit.