
That’s a function of the extreme wide-angle lens they used to make the interior look like there is more room than there is. And, yeah, that A pillar is ridiculous.

TV shows are not there for your entertainment. They exist to entice you to watch commercials.

Christine, is that you?

And what is the price tag for this miracle? Oh, nevermind, it’s for SAFETY! Has anybody ever thought of better driver training?

Not surprised to see Austin on the list. HOUSTON would be a much better test case, though.

Talk to the Disney money factory.

AAnd, here:s Buzzy again.

Buzzy doesn’t know or care about the difference.

Which Koch brother is paying you to troll, Buzzy?

Take Social Security out of there, it doesn’t belong.

Try again, Buzzy, Defense eats up more than half of the federal budget. SS is separate, and not even part of the budget. And why would you be against helping those among us who can’t help themselves?

BULL !@#$%^! When all the increased profit from lower costs goes to the owners, and NONE to the workers.

When salaries, based on 40 hour weeks, became tied to jobs requiring 60 hour weeks. At least when you work for hourly wages federal law mandates overtime pay for anything over 40 hours/week.

This is almost exactly the same argument that brought about the 8 hour/ 5 day workweek after WWII.

34 dollars a month.


I’d rather pay an extra $200 monthly in tax than what I’m currently paying for health insurance, $700+.

Since the mid 70's, productivity has more than doubled, while wages, adjusted for inflation, have risen less that 10%.

There are companies that will do all that for her. Cheaply.

Have you seen the cost of college today? Why are student loans high-interest? Students have to eat, too, and live somewhere, and wear clothing, and pay for books. Education ain’t free, as I’m sure you know. Your reflexive answer of “upskill yourself” may just not be possible for many people.