The Ottawa team deserved to be taunted like this because they’re named the REDBLACKS. For fuck’s sake, Canada.
The Ottawa team deserved to be taunted like this because they’re named the REDBLACKS. For fuck’s sake, Canada.
Re: Bob Beddinghouse and the Cincinnati Bengals
(actually they won, but they’re the Cardinals’ AAA team so let’s just imagine they lost)
Stan Cranky, without question.
I was there this time last year. You’ll be an even bigger fan of the country once you visit it
Yes, but it’s kind of useless to play by far your best player at LB. He can/should be a much bigger scoring threat in midfield rather than at LB. Looks like it just didn’t work out this tournament, and the rest of his team around him is terrible.
Yeah but they didn’t spend fuckin’ $800M on Sunnyvale, you shitbird.
It may be the hockey offseason but his face is in peak season form.
The only jobs that are created are for construction, which lasts around 2-3 years and then the construction jobs are gone again. After that you have a few hundred stadium ushers/vendors making minimum wage. So ask yourself if it’s really worth it to spend up to $800M to create several hundred minimum wage jobs.
Has to be.
John Scott holding up the million dollar check with Gary Bettman.
Dammit you bet me to it.
You know why Argentina didn’t make it into the European Championship? Because Argentina is located in South America.
Is he walking around the field in his underwear? That’s so Ronaldo.
I don’t think Scully cares what you think, honestly
Bankroll that shit, buy deadspin and ban him.
Lol he’s also worked for the same company for 60 years, he’s one of most respected people in the history of his profession and is adored by millions. What have you done with your life?
They are also out of beer. Much more important imo