Jim Kramer

Yea when Win mentioned he'd been reading Kierkegaard's Present Age while making the CD I thought this could be interesting. Instead it was exactly the kind of thinking that Kierkegaard tears to shreds.

Filiopietism is exactly the kind of word Samuel Johnson would have laughed in the face of. Let me guess did have the test scores for Ivies didn't have the GPA for the flagship state school and now you are overcompensating.

Does that apply to your comment too? Because clearly I'm giving you a case of the butthurt. Rub some Robitussin on that lil' guy.

Right the tubby guy from Marry Me made this explicit when he goes I don't know why I like that but I do.

If only your segment of the population wasn't so prone to throwing the baby out with the bath water in order to sound the virtue-signaling horn.

Most American history professors are pretty bullish about the American founders- especially ones with tenure at elite schools.

Amen. That ending was basically poisonous in my book.

Early on before the show took its turn towards (IMO excessive) creepiness there would be some babies/ young kids involved: the put a baby in a tanning bed episode and the letting a Charlie's alledeged son get drunk at the bar. But they seemed to have consciously cut down on that as the show has gotten darker and

Bro chill. It's not that current.

I know it's hard for the deracinated leftists at AV Club to make distinctions, but no one ever claimed the Honeymooners was wholesome old fashioned TV.

And anyone who claims about tax cuts is probaly a Stalinist. Wow two can play at this fun game.

I enjoy the profound irony of Mr. Projection McMindreader here claiming that he has some profound insight into other groups of people.

Since when is flattering the political sensibilities of the entertainment industry and news media courageous? If AV Club fellates your show you aren't showing any guts. That said please keep speaking "truth to power" nothing is making the hard left collapse faster. Which is music to my moderate ears.

So australia's kind of like AV Club but without the crippling agoraphobia.

So the archer cast will definitely be less diverse than Trump's cabinet so let's just leave it at you have a huge penchant for mood affiliation.

It's a recipe for the left remaining out of power for the near future. Only seventeen states have democratic majorities in the state assembly or senate. Think about that for a second. To govern their lives at the level of government closest to them- the level at which media and billion dollar war chests mean the

Again so you are a rapist for supporting Clinton twice in 1992 and 1996. There's no way around this. Never mind that Democrats consistently rate Bill as one of their favorite politicians.

Except that the agencies in charge of screening them have already admitted to not having conducted comprehensive background checks. Again you have no idea whether they are screened or not.

That's super convienent and the kind of fake self-examination that has crippled the left. You guys honestly can't be self critical- there is always some urgent cause that prohibits actual self introspection.

Yea by the standards of current fashionable leftism trumpeted by this publication. Jews can be bigots too- are you arguing with that?