Jim Kramer

I think you could simply state that casual bigotry was ubiquitous throughout your upbringing and you are perfectly comfortable with that. That's not an excuse that I find particularily compelling, but I can't blame you-some of us can't overcome the comfortable bigotries of our past.

You are the like people who claimed the civil rights activists were all Communists. Disgusting.

The whole point of the novel is that Swede is not a quintessential Jew. He's athletic, successful with women, blonde etc. I mean in the sense that it deals with the subconscious mix of envy and admiration Roths quintessentially Jewish alter ego feels toward swede then I guess it's quintessentially Jewish. But the fact

Maybe it could be based on his casual use of racist pejoratives like shiska.

Amusingly this reviewer made the mistake of identifying Swede as an everyman character which suggests that the reviewer wasn't paying close enough attention. Admittedly it must be super hard for him to concentrate when a Jew marries a unclean "shiska."

Jesus Christ all TV is low brow if you aren't spending your weekends taking in Stravinsky then you might as well be stuffing your face with potato chips watching Kevin Can Wait. The faux pretention of premium cable fanboys is exhausting.

Nathan Fillion's character probally. It would make sense since it was Pager Brewster (in a previous life) who blocked his porn sites so he'd want revenge.

I thought at first it was the guy who wanted to buy the big hand in the last episode recycled with a new role.

I feel the way about Pierce that Cornelius did. I wish he'd OD on the Boyish Tycoon while doing coke with John Denver.

If you are retarded or live on farm. But not if you are from Dublin it isn't.

I think the joke was that Flemish words are hard to rhyme. That's why Gil mentioned two or three Flemish words that ended with ijk throughout the show, while they were noticeably missing from Bruges attituge. I imagine the only reason they went with Flemish at all was to set up the people of Flem joke at the end.

Yea especially because if you are going to pick the least anti-Semitic parts of Europe the Dutch/Flemish areas are up there historically.

You are posting on this site so I'm sure you get the irony of your seven month later comment.

Yea our army is bigger than the imperial Japanese army and invading aliens what a chest thumping jingoistic jerk. I can't stand it when directors take the human's side against the aliens. It's like when whoever directed Deep Impact didn't have the meteor destroy the earth. What a fascist.