My source was PBS... glad we had a storm and stayed in. Usually at Childrens Museum
My source was PBS... glad we had a storm and stayed in. Usually at Childrens Museum
Ahh, yes, Capitalism, best for everybody (at least those that are rich already)
So now the coal burners don’t have to change their ways, but if they already have do they have to go back to being big polluters just cause they can?
My 14 year-old nephew is autistic and completely obsessed with candles. That said, my sister never ever EVER lets him go in to the Yankee Candle store as she fears he will break them all and never leave.
Kelly, are you a Masshole too?!
We have one of these stores too! It’s called...somethign Christmas-y. It’s gotta be 30 - 40 years old and it smells like it. I told the children that the figures either come alive at night or are made from real people. Can’t remember which. Anyway, uber creepy but it has lots of Christmas stuff when you are in a jam.
I HAVE ONE OF THESE!!! He’s literally my fave Christmas decorations apart from my Santons.
Kelly, may I ask who is the designer of your glasses? I love them!
oh holy shit, I LOVE this place. I went to school around there and my now-husband and I used to go there on dates.
This is why I get so pissed off when people say Dylan is the only one who has accused him of molestation. One, how many people have to accuse you of molestation before it counts? Two, Woody has a history of being icky and messing with underage girls. He’s a certified creep.
I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed.
I’m a teacher and I work with low-income families. They have my whole heart and I love them more than anyone.
Whoa, whoa. Please don’t fuck ALL of us who have had terrible experiences with horrible folks sitting in social service roles! They ARE mad they make no money, sat thru college for this bull and found it ain’t what they thought! Too many clients and too many changing rules, etc. Everybody faces that on their jobs. But…
I know foster care. The vast majority of frontline social workers are underpaid, overworked and at the mercy of their managers (except for their unions). But as with any bureaucracy, several SEVERAL other layers are being paid very, VERY well! Director-and above types informally change the mission to the exploitation…
This is just such a system issue, across the board, from systems purposely designed to limit assistance to vulnerable people, to underfunding and overwork for the people in client assisting roles, to clients who are tired/frustrated/high and/or drunk/angry and lash out.. but there are absolutely people who work in…
“You can’t do that! What if he’s a loser?!”
It seems like society also does a good job of grinding down the employees associated with administering the “social safety net,” practically guaranteeing that there will be a mixture of ineptitude and burnout. People who get into social work from a perspective of truly wanting to help others find themselves with…
No, I didn’t. I said it would be emotionally hard for me to denounce or even call out someone/thing that I felt had my back, but I would do it. Also, I’m not a self-proclaimed leader of an activist group that is supposed to be all-inclusive. I, as an individual citizen with no official attachment to any political or…
Here’s the thing — I get this. I really do. I get it because it’s how, as a Jewish person, I feel about Israel. For Jews, Israel is a bit like your dad; embarrassing, possibly not totally emotionally rational, definitely has some good qualities, some bad ones, you guys disagree on stuff, possibly lots of stuff, but at…