

Idk. I was pushed and harassed in the early morning after work by Dominican teens for having medical baldness and resembling a lesbian. Though their terms were different. Not all Dominicans hate Haitians nor do they hate lesbians. Also, I feel that one girl was scared for me, and that gives me hope. Also, I saw a

I love Chris Rock, and was sad someone swiftly shat in the pool, excluding him and others I shan’t mentally parse.  Well, nice to see kind words about this lively Chris in progress.

My source was PBS... glad we had a storm and stayed in.  Usually at Childrens Museum

So much here, thank you Kelly.

A little eccentric AND

You have not had the pleasure of truly listening to our reality. Your coarse language and defensiveness would earn you a child-free life if you were on our end. Reread, rethink, and nope sorry its not about you. Knee-jerk outrage died the day they published social worker salaries here in my state. What a pant load

Picture is wrong person. Unless this site is truly about yung flesh only and recycled stories.  Jezbel, walk the walk!

You do not.  I luuuuv you.  

Way more stars. I was starting to feel like this whole board had collapsed into a white hole. My rural African mum in law for one needed your props here.  She wouldn’t be afraid of the first commenter.

Wow.  Thanks for allowing us to peer into your world.

Sad bicyclists have too much haters. I helped fund and build part of a bike path. First ride with my dad, a white bro shouted move aside btch. You’re welcome, shart shorts.

Your article deserves a better headline!  Excellent reporting and interviewing.

The internet is full of the same people who drive cars.  They’re horrible and life is a sport, until they get out.  Maybe.

homely guy that that has it coming! 

Tell em, mom!

Capuano does for us.  Ms Thang funds DCF for a reason.  Ah, Jezebel.  Think of the children, k?

Vaping good n smart, wish I was there.