

Beto’s your uncle

Almost made it with defecating, jez!

Cyndi walked all over Patti LaBelle and I’ve never forgot. Idk if she’s grown up, it was like 10 years ago. Eh, nobody is perfect. Except Patti.

Nothing but Madonna here

Maybe Aretha

Lazy janes here only read your first item. No better than DM readers who only read the headline.  Ooo!

Don’t shit on opportunity

Revenue is best raised on the backs of the masses, on the backs of those least able to fight, on the backs of those with no status.

I remember a strange thing with Peta over the video game Mario possibly using tanuki pelt, but had no idea about the historically long cultural, spiritual and metallurgical affiliations with tanuki. Super article, and JapanJapanJapan vs Belgium Monday! Also, respect to the good hearted Halilhodzic, who no longer

This is interesting philosophically and scientifically. I haven’t updated this end of the theorems since brick and mortar school. Makes me glad I had a chance to go, and thank you for continuing part of the conversation we had long ago .

Also, “I’m sorry you feel that way” is a rockin way to shut it down, also “but you do you”, as the irrepressible MindyMoo once unforgettably said. And never forget that timeless playground bully fave, “la, la, la I can’t hear you”.

We mean this youth being covered inly in her purity and truth to protect her and her family. She is travelling too. I’d like it more as a movie, but even in my super powerful safe cities, people are not safe. Google Chelsea MA Ice deportation... 

Yes - this is absolutely insane. If you’ve ever had a friend or family member dragged off by agents, and you understand the dislike of LEGAL immigrants of native culture and descent, you should be struggling with this.  Also, as a DCF survivor, when the state gets involved with your family, nobody cares ti hear you

I like Mr Diggs so devotedly I don’t want to creep him out by testifying to the beauty of a strong arm on a tender dude with a jolly seasonal sartorial twist worthy of Jezebel’s superly stupid summer. Keep this happening  please.

Wesh uhh HUH uhh

If people read further down the comments, this’d get more likes.


Same internal thoughts here always

Tee hee!