
I am such a music rube honestly and a lot of this was like reading an article in a language I am only semi-fluent in, but it was really great. You are so talented Julianne and it is really a treat to read your music reviews because your deep love and nuanced understanding of music and music culture just shines through

LOL, I love them that way. Sometimes when I go out to a fancy party I will wear them like that. Its quite a look!

We’re woke, its just that we just woke up. Its 7a.m., we were up late, and we’re still a little groggy. Let us get some coffee and figure this day out.

Oh, oh there it is, there’s why I have a Katy Perry aversion. For most of her career she’s just seemed so...behind. She makes a Thing, whether music, a video, what have you, and it always makes me think, ‘oh, you’ve finally gotten here? You’re finally with the rest of us? I mean, I guess it’s the journey, not the

“Well gracious! I wasn’t sure about whether systemic oppression of underclasses and minorities and disadvantaged groups was really a problem, and I didn’t really take the urgent outcry that the Black music community has been putting out for the last 40 years seriously, because all that hiphop rap music just promotes

Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

Really? You don’t think they’re too...straight, or something?

That eyeshadow!


Yes, he does. And they all live in the inner city and are afraid to leave their houses or walk the streets because of black-on-black crime.

Just like how we all live in The Inner City (TM).

I hear there are “secret black meetings” monthly in most major cities.

You ask this with a surprised tone. The answer is yes. He really does think all black people know each other. Also, they all look alike to him, too.

84% of Republicans are still supporting him, while 8% of everyone else is.

And he didn’t get the 306 he keeps claiming. Officially, he came in at 304 after a couple of defections in the EC.

Does... he think all black people know one another?

Did you see how fast he blamed someone else when backed into a corner with facts? That was really satisfying to watch.

Well, I was given that information.
Yeah, sure. Fuckface.

I misread this and expected to hear someone yell “baby hands” during the press conference. I was disappointed.

Shout-out to Peter Alexander for calling out baby hands claim about winning the biggest electoral college since Reagan.