
The largest police union in the country endorsed Donald Trump. This is on them. When they get no coooperation from communities to solve crimes they should remember this case. The officers who stayed silent and just went along and did not speak up should remember this when the community balks at their attempts to

The ICE agents really seem to be getting off on their jobs these days don’t they? Just the job Trump supporters are drawn too. I’m sure someone will feel the need to tell me this is what they have to do and all. But no, motherfuckers.

I can’t remember, did Beyonce ever apologize for this?

Um. Shouldn’t the ire be directed at Vogue and their photographer and art director who developed this concept rather than not Kylie.? Yes she could have said NOPE but the people at the magazine who thought this was a good idea should get the brunt of the ire.

I don’t know. Thinking another race’s culture is yours for the taking kind of implies that you think their people are beneath you.

Racism is when someone thinks a race a beneath theirs, this was not racism. She thought a kimono was hip and didn’t take into account the cultural significance.

*sniffs* I have a paint gun. You know, if you’re interested.

Sadly, you are absolutely right. There’s a house nearby to me that had a small trump-pence sign on the lawn during the campaign. They also have a flagpole in the front yard with an American flag proudly flying. The weekend of the immigration ban, a huge Trump flag was hoisted directly below the American flag. It still

The saddest thing about this is that there are people like us who think this was a total shit show and the President was an idiot AGAIN. But there are people out there who will think this was great. That the President can’t be racist! He’s shaking hands with a Jew....not just anyone, but THE JEWISH guy. And that the

One of the more jarring and unsettling revelations in that 1980's interview where Trump talks about nuclear weapons (currently looking for a link) was the fact that he used to speak in complete sentences.

This is like talking to my grandmother about the world (things she brings up) and are very similar answers I get back from her. She has dementia but won’t see a doctor about it. Also, this is why I think Fox News is so popular with aging adults, its just loud snippets of soundbites pasted together and repeated.

I read this article that stated his family will not let him be alone anywhere because of this. He always has one of them around - Ivanka, Donnie J, the other one that’s not important to remember, Melania, Jared - which is why they put Jared in his administration. It was family but not. They would get blow back from

anti semitic

“You like me! You really like me!”


He left out (I’m paraphrasing a statement Trump made years ago at his failed casinos) “the little guys with yarmulkes counting his money.”

i want back into the matrix.

Up to this point, I’d dismissed all the “Trump has dementia” thinkpieces as just tasteless insults. I’m fine with him being called a racist, sexual predator, but ridiculing his mental health seemed a step too far.

“And, you know, it was something that was very important to me.”

Rinna genuinely seems just so excited to have any sort of relevance. She’s always excited to get invited to trips and parties and loves inserting herself into anything, so she will cause drama and have a big story line on the show. I kinda don’t mind because she’s pretty open about being willing to do anything for a