
Not to mention the fact that most people with a house can charge their EV at home.

I work in manufacturing. In my experience, CIP has always meant “Continuous Improvement Plan” or “Continuous Improvement Project”.

It’s almost as if levying tariffs on imported steel helps American steel workers in the short term, but hurts all of the American companies who use the steel they make! Who knew! (Lots of people knew.)

On the other hand, a trailer for hauling cargo that also comes with a range-extending generator might be something U-Haul et al offer in years to come.

More importantly, why is this news? Anytime a tow company gives me a tow I expect them to charge me.

An EV powered by coal is, at worst, as bad as a normal ICE in terms of CO2. Plus the pollution is occurring away from a city center and is being passed through mandated, state-of-the-art pollution scrubbers.

This guy, however, gets it.

WALL-E for the role of R2-D2.

I feel like reviewers should stop listing the MSRP as $35,000 until it’s actually possible to purchase such thing.

If the shit hit the fan, someone would buy Tesla. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. 

No. It’s 2018. The original Model S was a 2012. This won’t launch until 2020. So, it’s either 6 or 8 years late, depending on whether you count from press release or actual deliveries.

How can we forget Paul, another Frost/Pegg collaboration? While not nearly as sleek as the Cornetto trilogy, it was still a fun romp.

Stock in the company is not a loan...you’re actually buying part of the company! Tesla does not have to “repay” this loan whatsoever.

Pritate companies don't have to  answer to the pubic, nor the SEC.  They can do whatever they feel is best for the long-term health of the  company.  Screw quarterly reports and short-term profits.  They can play the long game.

The best solution I’ve seen proposed, although wildly unpopular, is to simply tax the shit out of gasoline. That will force consumer demand to shift because nobody will want a land yacht anymore, and the fuel efficiency numbers will grow as a result since manufacturers will build what consumers are demanding. In

Then you’re a fraud: As someone who was alive in America at the time, it was the “Nintendo,” full stop. Hence, the successor was the “Super Nintendo” with SNES something of a more recent appellation.

Of course, I’m joking but it was only the called the “N.E.S.” in advertising. At the playground and lunchtables, it

‘...3DS is pronounced “three deess...”’

Thanks for the reply Michael. I heard the next Model 3 software update adds a holographic Elon in front the steering wheel holding up cue cards to show you how fast you are going.

P85D, because I hate the speedo in the center screen that damn much.

Kristen, Patrick, Ryan, and Michael, if you had to choose between a Performance 3 or a preowned P85D (they are around the same price, $70K) which would you choose?