
No, they don’t have their place. Come to suburban Boston. You will see very high property values with hardly an HOA in sight. The idea that you need an HOA to preserve your property value is a myth.

You know, not all of us have the freedom to watch videos while at work...

So tell me now, should I just stop coming to io9 if I’m not interested in watching videos or livestreams or whatever the fuck else you post that isn’t something I can read? Is this the new directive, all video, all the time? Tell me now so I stop wasting my time.

Will there be a write up? I prefer to read my blogs, not watch them...

io9, please, stop trying to make videos happen

So, is I09 going to stop hating The Orville this year? Or are you guys going to double down on the wrong?

the arming mechanism IS a digital speedometer though

I kinda just wanna text him dank memes and let him know i’m proud of him when i get trashed. Oh that I’m a paypal user, but like only 5-10 times a year.

I guess I really don’t need his number for that, I’ll just write it on our roommate dry erase board at the loft. Sorry for the redundant post musk-rat! C’ya at Dinner.

Nothing about Star Wars space combat makes any sense and it’s ALL based on WWII air combat

I must not think. Thinking is the plot-killer. Thinking is the little-plot-death that brings total plot-obliteration...

No, this born and raised Texan HATES this damn flag. I would never have one in my home or in my possession. I am actually antagonistic to the assholes with the “Heritage Not Hate” bumper stickers.

Breaking news: No one is 100% good or bad.

Guys, stop putting “Recent Video” in the middle of stories.

Seriously. I have three family members on the spectrum, as well as two friends. They couldn’t be more different from one another. This is basically like saying “Well, this doesn’t seem to represent my point of view, so it must not represent anyone’s”

Stop browsing and get back to work.
- Signed H.R.

I bought one of these, but they can’t ship it to me until they find a UPS driver who is worthy enough to lift it onto their truck.

No, I don’t want no schlubs. Schlubs is a very large and diverse group that can’t get no love from me.

Well to be fair, a lot of things done in Batman v Superman were the wrong choice, so I’m all for this retcon