
No, it doesn't tend to stick in people's memories.

THAT IS ASTOUNDING. Three cheers for rocket scientists.

Let it go!

4) There were distinct classes, communism is opposed to that.

/mic drop

Since when did 50% mean 100%.

"I suspect the Germans have a word for taking something great and then stripping it of everything remotely joyful until it's a cold hollow shell not fit for existence."

Yes - Not being waterproof is a deal breaker. I find it amazing that these devices are being marketed to "acrive" people, but have no water resistance. If I had one of these, I'd kill it within 2 weeks because I'd wind up getting it wet.

There is a tagline for an NSA meets the Matrix Rom Com type of movie somewhere in there.

I think you need to go look up the word "unfettered." Because being given specific pieces of information about a single account as detailed in a subpoena that was reviewed, modified, and approved by a court of law after following the legally proscribed procedures for requesting those specific pieces of information .

Poor dude is probably being coshed by Pluto in some basement under the Magic Kingdom as we speak.

The dark matter problem actually has to do with the rotational speed of galaxies themselves, so the interstitial stars don't matter there. That is, there's not enough matter within each galaxy, . The extra stars actually might require dark energy to be even larger, since a doubling of the matter in the universe would

Seriously though, I have a few close friends who think GMO's are the devil and the end of civilization and NO amount of research is going to change their mind. You try and show them something, something from a legit journal and peer-reviewed no less, and they just call it part of the conspiracy and go back to

Wookies don't celebrate Christmas. They celebrate Life Day.

"Does Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch?"

I think we can all agree that the REAL victims in this story are her eyebrows.

Oh man, I read this as a child and have been trying to remember enough details to figure out who wrote it to find it again. Can't believe it was someone so notable as Stephen King.

Exactly. We need to get to Jupiter as quickly as possible and replenish our helium!!

I guess she's really shallow. No wait...