
That’s not what he was doing? now I have to take his start away.

RRS Goatse McBoatface?

Broad statement! I see what you did there!

Gung ho is corruption of a Chinese phrase for “work together” that was co-opted by Major Evans Carlson (USMC), a big fan on the communist military units he observed in China.

The only caveat I would issue is that right now the chain is in the midst of a series of contamination events, indicating a failure in some part of their supply chain or operations. Right now there is probably a higher chance of getting sick at Chipotle. Once they address the issue, it will drop to the same chance as

You should do something about that:

Try a 400 series stainless steel. It might be toxic in other ways, but it doesn’t have nickle.

Try a 400 series stainless steel. It might be toxic in other ways, but it doesn’t have nickle.

Or, if you’re planning on being in Houston in November (why would anyone plan to be in Houston?) there is a three day event dedicated to commercial space stuff:

“1 dead, another sustained hatchet wounds” sounds a lot different than “shooter dead, one victim seriously bruised by hatchet.” Both are accurate, one would trigger a lot more clicks.

Honey, at 82, sagging earlobes are the least of your worries!

I think it’s important to note that we’re ignoring the most damning piece of evidence: An Airman appearing to do something challenging.

Initialisms and acronyms are subsets of abbreviations.

I does look a little funky, but I’m not down with all the affects of underwater photography. Does the surface reflection make it more legit?

One of the linked articles acknowledges that there is some research siting a link to between OCPs and breast cancer, but the researcher characterizes that research on the subject as inconsistent (I almost used the term “spotty,” but I figured that could be construed as an inappropriate pun given the subject matter).

Gladwell’s most recent book, What the Dog Saw, has a section about the development of the birth control pill that addresses the drop in cancer. I haven’t dug into the supporting material, which is important with anything from Gladwell, but it seems like periods naturally increase the rate of cell division as a woman’s

You’re off on the area of the Gobi by a factor of 1,000. But hey, what are a few orders of magnitude between friends.

That sounds like a solid sales pitch if I ever heard one.

We should have it in a country where the police execute ethnic minorities with relative impunity! No? We should hold it in the nation that imprisons the most people, both in absolute numbers as well as by rate? No. Should we hold it in a country where the political system is so far in bed with the industries it should

Indeed, significant fluctuations in price and availability. Right now there is way too much of it and areas that are economically dependent on oil are hurting. That is a consequence of the fact that we’ve gotten very good at pulling it out of the ground. I think the imminent peak oil fears were largely over blown.

Not 30% staff. 30% engineers.