
I’ve noticed that children and incompetent adults tend to use different language than normal adults. For example: “The microwave broke while I was starting a fire by microwaving this foil” vs “I broke the microwave while starting a fire...” It is a matter of taking responsibility for your actions.

Allegedly sleeping with him. She denies it.

New, from Taco Bell, Chalutos?

Ah, another fan of Sir Humphry Davy!

Finally! I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for this.

I just haven’t learned how to conduct myself yet.

Oh no! This will really impede my ability to build street cred as an engineer. What the flux...

It looks like 3dp missed the point; I think we should continue in order to rectify the situation.

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m totally amped about this.

My wife and I are not the 1%, but we do make enough to both save every money month and spend some on non-necessities. I make a majority of the income working a job I don’t hate, she works part time from home doing something she loves AND taking care of the kids. The money is largely pooled, but there are things that

While I believe that is likely the spirit of it all, the prompt specifically lists biographies and DIY manuals.

I believe pursuit of an MBA is sort of DIY soul-ectomy.


I thought you said restaurant. I left disappointed.

Sand, not water, probably no fish. Sometimes the bedrock is exposed, sometimes sand can drift (dune) 26 ft deep. Per:

His end game is cornering the market on MUSK Fire Suppression Systems™.

Wikipedia indicates that the “few million years” estimate was based on linear extrapolation, but that since we ditched chimpanzees (6-7 million years ago) that the y chromosome hasn’t lost any genes.

Talk about a white enough environment: Some Europeans countries have a well established custom of leaving kids in strollers outside of restaurants and cafes.
( http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-… )

Every now and then it gets in the news when some European family is visiting the US and doesn’t understand our culture of

Does this mean that part of the gawker writer hiring process includes mandatory irradiation?

VERY carefully.