
Does my mom’s basement count as a subterranean location?

What it doesn’t show is the all day field day (thorough weekly cleaning of the barracks) when the get back from this exercise. And then the quarterly suicide prevention training. Followed by a four hour safety briefing before they let you go out for the weekend.

The design team’s team name is “Comfortably Numb.” At least some kids these days are familiar with good music.

You can’t tell from the url, but the link below describes a hunger strike for better video games for a mass murderer in an adjacent nations prison system.

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one frantically refreshing.

I lied.

Rick Grimes should be played by a 'Merican.

Article says $11 Billion.

Not looking like a chicken in front of you may have been the only reason he did not walk out.

I stand by my use of the plural.


I think that's a load of crap. 100% of known life is on planets. Seriously, name one moon confirmed to currently have life on it.

Wobble is the easiest to detect, but occlusion is also important. In order for a planet to occlude its star from our view point it has to pass between us and the planet's star. That's more likely to happen when the planet is large and close to its star.

duct tape.

Same author complaining about cultural appropriation, Givenchy got dinged for Columbusing (after many other had as well). In an effort to better understand groups that I've subconsciously marginalized during my life I'm trying to get a better handle on the language that describes the actions of oppressors.

Same author on the post too.

When does this cross the line into inappropriate cultural appropriation?

The best kind of correct... Technically.

You should see the look on the cleaning person's face when I ask them for help with my code...