
These large grey blocks are part of the corrosion control system. These are a special alloy of aluminum; when immersed in a conductive electrolyte the system functions like a battery. The potential difference between the steel of the structure (cathode) and the aluminum (anode) drives an electrical current that

(U) = Unclassified
S//SI = Secret//Special Intelligence
Special intelligence = Communication intercepts
Rel to USA, FVEY = Release to US and Five eyes members (US, UK, Canada, AUS, New Zealand)

It's unexpected in someone writing for Jezebel.

Google Maps provides high-resolution aerial or satellite images for most urban areas of the world. Satellite imagery does not necessarily appear in the same resolution— for example less populated areas often appear with less detail.[citation needed]


The ridiculous luxuries you mention at Lackland make me feel as though I should make comments disparaging the Air Force, however, the perspective provided by time makes such interservice attacks seem juvenile. Perhaps the branch with the most lax physical requirements and least chance of getting shot at would have

I can't bear it when gawker commenters make ursine themed jokes.

It's important to note that penguins are not exclusive to Antarctica. I hear that they also have something to do with Madagascar.

Antarctica is not the natural habitat for polar bears.

Exactly! I spend eight hours a day making drawings of questionable utility.

Here in 'merica west is a synonym for good, east is a synonym for evil. South Korea counts as a "good guy." Ta Da!

The link shows up as on.io9.com on facebook. I was worried it was some newfangled way to spell onion.

Range of penguin habitats. All in the southern hemisphere, but much wider than the antarctic range that is often attributed to them. Occasionally there will be a story about people finding a penguin in a location further north than expected; with the best of intentions someone will but the bird in the freezer.


I think the active mechanism in your molecular sieve is aDsorbtion. Molecular sieves can also absorb, but I don't think that's what you were trying to refer to.

It would have to be set in the future then, what with the Earth only being 6000 years old right now!

Careful, Texas education officials are likely to screw up your whole system.

or woman boobs.

Perhaps you need to Let It Go.

The image clearly shows eight different shoes which are most likely paired with one additional shoe each, for a total of sixteen shoes, or eight matching pairs.