
All of that could be massively reduced in future facilities if they are designed with this idea from the beginning.

back when Theodore Delano Churchill single handedly decapitated Sadam Hitler?

You don't need oil. Natural gas will do. Due to the difference in price, natural gas dominates stateside plastic production.

Just made cones smaller:

I go back and forth depending on what I need him for. Fit Chris in case of zombie attack, fat Chris in case of bear attack (I'm pretty sure that I could outrun season 1 Andy). Fit Chris if I'm launching him into space, fat Chris if I'm landing on him after my parachute fails.

I have helped several lost dogs find their people while out on a run.

I saw this documentary about a procedure that could come in handy. I think it was called "Face off."

That's what I do. Going on 6 months now. It has had the additional benefits that nobody asks me for anything at work any more!

We taught them about internal combustion, now watch as they slowly kill themselves through climate change!
(all the while making our frigid planet more comfortable for the reptilians)

Too busy earning more money.

When you say 12, do you mean 12 total, or 12 pair?

I came here to start one, but I have been shamed into silence by you prescient comment.

It ain't bullshit, I'm white, and I almost always get treated well, unless there is an interaction with LE while I'm hanging out with a group of my non-white friends. Then I (we all) get treated poorly. So appearance does matter.

Perhaps the Ambassador will take a job being Stephen's sidekick, like Jimmy Kimmel's Guillermo.

My muu muu is quite comfortable.

Not that I'm a groundwater geek or anything, but if you like it, you should look into issue with the remediation of radioactive waste at the Hanford site in Washington State (north western US). That's one of the locations where Plutonium was generated during the cold war; we had no idea what we were doing, and as a

Where does the American fit in?

Now that he's slimmed down, is he no longer her "type?" Or in this instance does "type" reach further than physical appearance?

H1 was the civilian variant of the HMMWV.

I had a pretty awesome environmental law professor who covered this. Texas has some significant aquifers, but they are being abused in many cases. Based on the class in question, one of the reasons that it hasn't been addressed in Texas yet is because water rights can carry significant monetary value, and the state is