
In Texas, the rule of capture, which allows you to pump as much groundwater from your property as you can, has been upheld twice (the last time in 1904) because groundwater is too mysterious and/or occult to be regulated.

Some of these are jobs near the bottom are the type that stigmatize seeking treatment. Or it could be that they're physically demanding, and that exercise is effective is treating some cases of depression. Or they could be male dominated; men tend to seek treatment less frequently (and commit suicide four times as

The highest I've seen is a university with 18% off at Verizon, but that was probably because of the size of the organization.

I wake up sweating in the middle of the night, terrified that I post comments using "plains" instead of "planes."

Great planes. Crappy boats:

Serendipity plays a large role in many significant discoveries. I think it is foolish and close-minded to disparage scientific studies simply because they didn't produce data that is immediately beneficial. Crazy phenomena hide where you don't expect.

The point isn't how easy or hard, yet place that put out inordinately high amounts will have to work HARD(er)?

Then how do you explain some states being allowed to increase emissions? Each state is different, and needs to be handled differently. Kentucky cutting 72% of its emission may have catastrophic economic results, while Washington State can handle it easily.

You forget the two good Texas cities' awful siblings, Dallas (UTD, SMU) and San Antonio (UTSA (I guess)). Also, remember, you can be a Phoenix(TM) regardless of what city you're in.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you had to be jezebel to tell someone to fuck off, only that telling someone to fuck off because you don't like them is not emblematic of modern feminism.

It's not?

I think this is only true if you confine your definition of modern feminism to Jezebel.

NFPA label from wikipedia:

But when you perform electrolysis on salt (NaCl) water, as you would to produce hydrogen from water (for fuel cells), you also produce chlorine gas. That's pretty application specific, but still shows that little known applications can cause hazardous conditions under the right circumstances.

why do you spell 'booze' like 'gaming?'

You're right. I'm conflating illiteracy with a lack of intelligence, and that is a jump that shouldn't be made.

The only thing that is illiterate is (likely) the group of ass-hats openly carrying their long-guns.

It's about your right to cause the deaths of 100 times as many children with your pool!

You said do-do.

She has never explicitly blamed it on the ovaries.