
People in 2019..almost 2020 need to look up what “acting” is. It is playing a role of a person that is not you. It is not “only playing roles where the character looks, acts and basically is you but another name”. I think some people seem to think that is what acting is now.

I'm m Asian, moron and I have no problem with this. She's a fucking robot and nowhere in any iteration does it say she's supposed to be Japanese.

She caught a ton of flack for Ghost In The Shell because she took the role away from android-hosted-consciousness-actors.

Yeah you know more about the authors intent that the actual author. 

Right? Yellowface would be if she dressed up and painted herself as Asian. Not turning a Japanese character into a caucasian character. Is turning Nick Fury African American called whiteface? Or any other instances of race change recently, since I know Ultimate Fury was black. 

Just because her brain is a Japanese girl doesn’t mean they matched the body.

It has a Japanese name because it was made in Japan but that robot in no way resembled a Japanese person and nowhere did it say it was supposed to. 

Its not flawed to think that (the robot being Japanese should be played by a Japanese person or East Asian person who appears to look Japanese), but any serious look at the original Ghost in the Shell anime proves that Japanese culture depicted therein appears to fetishize full Barbie bodied female blondes with childis

But they're fucking morons. They know better than the creator? He didn't even make the robot look Japanese. 

The creator said the movie was great and the android, or whatever, wasn't supposed to be Japanese looking. It didn't even look Japanese in the anime or manga. 

I know it’s not the point, but how come this guy can pronounce “diegetic” correctly, but not “diegesis”?

“Is that something you’re going to force me to disprove or do you want to admit that you’re arguing in bad faith?”

Yeah, macattack should admit it so that you don’t have to find out that you can’t prove that at all.

Alright well I disagree. She’s a robot that has always looked like a white woman so I don’t think it’s crazy to cast a white woman. Especially when the director of the original supports it. I think this is a silly argument and you’re being dramatic and misusing “yellowface” and we’re now talking in circles.

I respectfully disagree. She’s a robot and I think this argument is silly and pointless.

Haha yellowface? You’re being dramatic. The character is not a Japanese person. Scarlett Johansson is not portraying a Japanese person in that movie. How can there be an argument with such a flawed premise?

I don’t know anything about the robot being designed to look American. But the robot is not designed to look Japanese. The character is not a Japanese person. Scarlett Johansson is not portraying a Japanese person in that movie. How can there be an argument with such a flawed premise?

All of this “controversy” is why the world sucks right now. This isn’t progress.

You’re wrong. The creator of Ghost in the Shell is correct. The body in the anime/movie is a robot. it is not inherently ethnically anything. Hell, they could have cast Idris Elba as Motoko Katsuragi and it would have been the same thing.

That’s losing a job. In high school I interpreted a Spanish conquistador in a play, along the only blond guy in the class. I guess now I am cancelled.

Non-sarcastic question: “Accountability” means lobbying for a person to lose a job, not because a past or present crime or misdemeanor, but because their opinion is not the same as mine?