
“Skyfall, while initially well-regarded, seems to have suffered a bit in people’s estimations since its release”

I think Johnson had some great ideas, but his execution was severely lacking:

Wait, is this a Bond article without any mention of Idris Elba?  What site am I reading here?

It takes real talent to devolve someone’s character growth from the first movie to the second one, but Rian actually managed to make her more one dimensional then Abrams did in creating her.

I care about Rey because she was very nice to me at Galaxy’s Edge.

No, no, no.  If they didn’t have Rey as some random nobody living a crummy desert existence, then they wouldn’t be copying the original Star Wars as much as humanly possible.

But I feel like this is the opposite - this a very large organization, not some lone independent tv station.  Facebook should have enough money to hire a team to do this.  They make a fortune off ads - it’s how besides selling everyone information - they make their money.   Besides programming you would think ad

Well yea. They HAD to make Rey some random putz in the desert that ends up becoming the new Chosen One after getting inadvertently involved in the war between the Empire First Order and the Rebels Resistance.


Battlefield promotions are a thing.

I have a pretty strong feeling that JJ is about fix most of the things about The Last Jedi that made everyone mad.

Not to take anything away from her, but what’s so meaningful about playing drums? You act like she he’s working on the cure for cancer and nobody will give her any grant money.

She’s 9

You’re talking about removing ads, though. TV, radio and newspapers have people who review ads for standards before accepting them in the first place.

No one is talking about censoring your racist uncle, this is speaking to ADVERTISEMENTS and POLITICAL MESSAGING on the platform.... meaning things coming from commercial businesses and PAC’s, not individuals.

Zuckberg has said that they have artificial intelligence which can detect those kinds of things and immediately flag them. So either they’re lying about that, or they don’t enforce it because it gets them more clicks. Either way, it makes Facebook look bad.

Zuckerberg is an amoral goon who is just as transactional as President Fuckup. He may find fascists and bigots distasteful, but as long as they’re far better for business than those regulation-loving Democrats he’s going to work with them.

Then it doesnt work. Warren, to test out that, sold multiple political ads that had blatant lies in them and guess what Facebook did? Took the money and posted them right away with no fact check

Zuckerberg goes to private dinners with Trump whenever he’s in DC, taking along Peter Thiel, speaker at the most recent RNC.

As someone who works for an engineering company, I enjoyed reading this.